Top Imperial Armies From Warzone Atlanta’s Long War Doubles

Warzone Atlanta long war walWarzone Atlanta’s Long War doubles gathered the attention of some hobbyist’s amazing armies. Check out these top Imperial forces spotted at the event!

The Long War Doubles have brought some creative armies under one roof to roll some dice. Taking place as a part of Warzone: Atlanta, here are some of the top Imperial armies spotted across the tabletop!

warzone atlanta

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Top Imperial Armies From Warzone Atlanta’s Long War Doubles

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Starting off, the Adeptus Custodes joined forces with some Armiger Helverins. Bringing a majority of the long-range firepower, the Helverins hung back and covered the assault of these red-clad supersoldiers of man. That red shade on the Custodes looks incredible too. It’s not a typical red color we see all too often.

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Moving onto another Imperial soup list, these players brought Sisters of Silence, Custodes, and Imperial Fists. Rolled up into one smooth-operating fighting force, every model on this display board had a crisp painting detail. Just check out that yellow!

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Next up, Guilliman requisitioned the assistance from some suspiciously GSC-looking tanks. All things considered, the pilots inside are 100% loyal and ready to die for the (four-armed) Emperor!

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Blood Angels joined forces with some Imperial Guard and Armigers. Two of the Armigers were Warglaives, being able to keep up with the combat prowess of Sanguinius’ sons. These models have a ton of detail as well. From light paint weathering to smaller decals, every unit in this force had some hobby love packed in.

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Warzone Atlanta long war imperial army 10Finally, these Dark Angels made full use of the new Primaris arsenal bringing in plasma Inceptors, Aggressors, and a few Intercessors. But each model has a fantastic scenic base as well as a very clean pin wash. Awesome job!

Of all these Imperial lists, which one looks the strongest? Which one has your favorite paint scheme?

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