Top to Bottom: How to Paint Grey Knights Tutorial

painting grey knights rWyatt from Jack of Clubs Painting is bringing us a sweet how to paint Grey Knights tutorial, just in time for the new codex.

Jack of Clubs Painting is a regular here and today he’s giving us some advice on quickly getting your own Grey Knights ready to throw down.

We’ve broken down the highlights from this tutorial, but follow along with the video for a detailed experience to get these minis done fast!  Don’t forget to check out his other video tutorials here as well.

Top to Bottom: How to Paint Grey Knights Tutorial

Wyatt Turk Grey KnightsFor a nice change, Wyatt actually gives us a full list of the paints we will be using at the start of the video, so if we want to follow along we can get our hobby area prepped and ready to go. You don’t have to pause the video and dig around!

We will need Pro Acryl Dark Silver, Silver, Bronze, Bright Gold, Transparent Blue, Light Umber, Light warm Grey, and Bright Ivory.

Plus the Mr.Hobby weathering system consisting of Multi Black and Solvent.

You can also use some of your own choices for Gloss Varnish, Dark Blue, Medium/Royal Blue, Light Blue, White, Dark Red, and Bright Red.

Base Coats

true scale grey knightWyatt’s choice of model for this tutorial is actually an alternative model, but all the techniques will be identical. First, he starts off with a simple black primer.

grey knight silverfiedNext, he fills his pot with Dark Silver and one drop of Transparent Blue. He does over almost the entire model except for the deepest crevices. Then, he highlights the model with Silver and one drop of Transparent Blue.

Hitting the Details

grey knight detailsAfter that, he brushes in some base details. He takes black to the joints and a few minor places. Then uses Light Umber on the tabard and other areas that will be a light-colored bone color. He goes over that with Light Warm Grey.

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Then he follows up by covering the rear cape with a Dark Red and highlights with a lighter red. He takes a bit of creative freedom and makes the purity seals wax Light Blue. He also Does all of the trim in Bronze.


Grey knight washedNext up he begins the wash process. He covers the model in solvent and goes over it slowly with multi-black, then cleans it up as it dries with the solvent, making sure it doesn’t pool up in any unnatural areas.

grey knight dry brushedAfter that, he heavily dilutes some translucent blue and creates a sort of pin wash. After it dries, he highlights the silver armor by dry brushing the same silver over the washed silver. Use this same method with the bronze, then he highlights the wax with Light Blue. Next some very thin Light Warm Grey is used to highlight the tabard and then some ivory is dry brushed over that. He takes an optional step and does the eyes here as well.

Painting the Blade

Grey Knight power bladeNext up is the power weapon blade. He uses Dark Blue in the airbrush to imitate the typical fractalized power blade that people tend to do. He also highlights that with Light Blue, then again with White. After airbrushing, he dry brushes that white onto the edges of the blade.

grey knight completeAnd with that, he is complete! If you want to hear Wyatt’s breakdown, watch the full video above.

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