Tournaments Are Making New GW Warhammer 40k FAQ Official

new-warhammer-40k-faqTournaments are taking things into their own hands and making the new Warhammer 40k Worlds FAQ official before Games Workshop does!

The new FAQ GW dropped for the World Championships of Warhammer cleared up a lot of questions and made some decent-size changes to the game overall. However, at this point, they haven’t dropped on the site as an official FAQ; this is just for the World Championships.

But the FAQ is pretty good (if you ask us), and tournaments seem to think the same thing!

Tournaments Making New GW 40k Worlds FAQ Official

From Da Boyz GT Facebook.

New GW 40k Worlds FAQWell, this is the first tournament we found using the new rules, and it’s always good to see tournaments taking action to get the most up-to-date rules for players! While there has been some discontent (from a few people) about the role modification change (we’ll look at it below), other than that, people like the changes.

While it seems odd GW would make an FAQ for just their tournament, it makes sense that people would use the rules for their tournaments regardless. Especially considering it clears up a lot of issues that TOs would probably have to make calls on in the first place! If you want to check out Da Boyz GT and events, be sure to check them out here!

We expect GW to make this official before too long (but they might make a couple of changes to it), so it probably wouldn’t hurt for you to implement these into your games soon!

If you haven’t seen the Warhammer 40k FAQ for the World Championships of Warhammer, check it out below.

GW Releases 40k FAQ For World Championships of Warhammer

World Championships of Warhammer FAQStarting with the first few, nothing too crazy, such as not being able to fire overwatch if you have pistols or big guns never tire, and then you only have to take one battleshock test at most.

However, one of the bigger ones is “the counts as having made a move” clarification. This means things like disembarking or deep striking will not be affected, and any other effects won’t go off.

Next, you can’t bring a unit out of reserves and then disembark. Then, you can use some units’ abilities to actually come back onto the table in the first battle round, like the Callidus Assassin or a Knight with Mysterious Guardian, so keep an eye on who goes first because you may find a Knight appear 9″ away from your lines a lot sooner than you had expected.

Sisters (and Aeldari definitely do) get a buff of sorts; you can go for a roll, then use a miracle dice to affect the re-roll. You also can’t infiltrate now if you redeploy.

World Championships of Warhammer FAQ 2It seems that maybe people were trying to use one-shot weapons more than once with the firing deck, but obviously, that’s not a workaround GW wants you to do.

The question about modifiers is a huge one, as this doesn’t affect weapons people are equipped with, which is basically everything people will be hitting you with. This could be a big blow to Trajann and Mortarion.

Then, they just clarified that you can still only gain one extra CP per round for some specific abilities, although the Imperial Knights one does say you get the full 3CP if you kill the enemy warlord.

Finally, Hazardous gives a unit wounds until it destroys one model, then moves on to the next.

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