The Mechanicon GT is coming up in just two short weeks. This is a great tournament series in the North East that I really enjoyed the first year I went. I recommend checking it out, as Tony and crew put on a great event.
MechaniCon 2011 – November 4-6
West Chester, PA
From Tony:
MechaniCon is right around the corner and tickets are still available for events.
The main event is once again the Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament (GW’s Independent Circuit Event), 70 players – 5 games @ 1850 points
This year Privateer Press events are added including the East Coast Rumble, 40 players – 3+ rounds @ 50 points
Warhammer Fantasy Battle has been added (GW’s Independent Circuit Event), 32 players – 3 games @ 2000 points
Returning again are the Friday Night Fight (Imperial Armour Legal 40K), Battlefleet Gothic, 40K Kill Team, and Blood Bowl Tournaments
The Iron Ogre Painting Competition comes back for its second year.
This year will see the addition of Heroscape events
There will be open gaming, many demos and great vendors.