This Free 40k ITC App is a Game Changer

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Are you tired of toting around packets of info to play your 40k ITC games? You’re not going to want to miss this FREE app for both iOS and Android!

40k’s ITC missions are intricate and are designed for all kinds of different lists. With so many deployments, secondary and tertiary objectives, there can be a lot of bookkeeping and stuff to remember. Luckily, there is a new app for both Android and IOS called ITC Battles!

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You can get it here for FREE.

Keep in mind that ITC Battles is an unofficial app specifically designed to track your ITC games for 40k only currently.

Track Your ITC Games with the ITC Battles App!

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This app has just about everything you need to play your ITC missions aside from a physical army, of course. Looking at the missions first, it tells you what the bonus objective is on top of the deployment rules.

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Once you get your tables set up, you can even pick your secondary objectives from the full list. They’ve also got the description for what you need to do to complete them. You won’t ever be asking what the official rules are for things like Gangbusters/Engineers anymore.

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The app keeps track of the score at the top as you plug your points in. It’s also got a reference sheet for FAQs/tournament rules in case you have any questions or your opponent starts getting fresh with you. For this, you will have to be connected to the net to access the Google docs sheets.

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And finally, with the latest ruling in the ITC format, the app even comes with a chess clock. While it’s probably easier to have a full-sized chess clock at your table, not everybody has one or wants to lug one with them to their LGS.  You can, however, use this app on your iPad as well.

This app is an awesome tool to pair with other apps like Battlescribe. Make sure you check it out for yourself and let us know if having the information at your fingertips beats thumbing through the pages of a packet every time you play!

Have you used this app before? Do you prefer to bring a physical packet of rules when you play? Are you still practicing with a chess clock in your games? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!