Traitor Commissar & Chaos Ogryn 40k Rules REVEALED!

traitor command 3 Traitor Commissar & Chaos Ogryn

New 40k rules are here! Join us as we take a look at the warscrolls for the Traitor Commissar & Chaos Ogryn will play. Check out these new stats!

There are 2 new 40k warscrolls for the new Blackstone Fortress characters that are on the way. They’ve got some really unique rules, but with the way they’re keyworded, we’re not so sure how much they’ll be getting used.

Traitor Commissar 40k Rules Revealed

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traitor commissar

The Traitor Commissar is exactly what you’d expect from a normal Commissar stat line. The only chief difference is that he comes with a power fist and a neat little rule for friendly Traitor Guardsmen. The Power Fist is quite nice just because he’ll be able to defend himself against some Marines that are getting too close. But at the end of the day, he’s still only S6 with it.

Looking at Forwards! For the Dark Gods!, this rule is awesome. He can be a bonus movement lynchpin for your army as long as you’ve got enough Traitor Guardsmen to make it worth it. If you use Traitor Guardsmen to screen something with high movement, you can use the Commissar to help them keep up. There are just a few downsides. The Traitor Commissar costs almost double that of a Loyalist Commissar and the way that Traitor Guardsmen are keyworded, it might be better in the long run to just bring Cultists.

Cultists have the Heretic Astartes keyword, which opens them up to different buffs from Characters like being Fearless from Abaddon as well as a nice target for some Psychic powers. Traitor Guardsmen don’t have access to any of that.

Chaos Ogryn is a One Man Show

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As for the Chaos Ogryn, the model is SICK but we doubt we’ll ever see him played competitively in 8th. He’s probably best used for a conversion platform of something like a Daemon Prince.

chaos ogryn

The Chaos Ogryn has one great thing going for it. It’s got the Character keyword. With his maul and mutant claw, he can lay down the pain on some Elite Infantry like Terminators and Custodes. But beyond that, we’re sad that you can only bring one in a unit. He’s basically just a bodyguard for the Traitor Commissar which is undeniably fluffy. However, as we said earlier,  we’re not exactly sure if he’ll be the VIP in top meta-lists.

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Looking at the points, Loyalist forces can bring three Ogryn for nearly the same cost as this Chaos Ogryn. In the same vein, the Traitor Commissar is about 20 pts more expensive from the Loyalist version. These models are awesome but they might be joining the rest of the mini-game miniature crew and never really see competive play on 40k’s tables. The Gellerpox infected, Janus and his crew, etc. are all awesome models but we never see anyone use them mainly because of the way they’re keyworded.

With that being said, GW could be laying the groundwork for Chaos Guard slowly. They could be increasing their model range over time and then eventually update their rules and make them a real force to be reckoned with on the tabletop. However, as for now, it looks like we just got some awesome new models.

What do you think about the stats on these new units? Will you be playing Traitor Guard in your Chaos list? What kind of support would you like to see them get next? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!