Tricky But Helpful Little Gits: Ork Gretchin LORE

By Tim Roberts | December 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Ork Gretchin

And you thought they were just meat shields! Come and find out what skills Gretchin offer and how important they are to everyday Ork life.

Ork Gretchin, better known as Grots are a very important part of Ork life from willfully and gleefully power a Killa Kan to taking care mundane tasks or else. Let’s find out more.

Via: Lexicanum


Physical Characteristics

Gretchin have a similar physical structure to Ork but are much smaller and weaker. They have short runty legs and grasping fingers to employ their greatest skill, low cunning. They are far more numerous than Orks and have large bulbous heads with tattered ears which flatten when they are scared. They have sharp-fanged jaws which are their best physical weapon. They have an excellent sense of smell, hearing and they have effective sight in the dark.

These traits aid their self-preservation allowing them to survive in the dangerous Ork society. Some Gretchin have even developed a sixth sense of sorts, or a natural ability to be far more fortunate than they have right to be.


Roles in Ork Society

The Gretchin are happy enough in their role. They bear little resentment towards their superiors, for them Orks are just a fact of life. Individual Gretchin can enjoy a relatively comfortable existence by providing valuable services to their Ork masters. Most Grots are owned by Orks as personal servants, though some gather together into loose tribes that may even own functional weapons and equipment.

The Gretchin have created an entire enterprise culture of their own within their Ork-dominated society. Many Gretchin operate their own black-market businesses on the side, such as selling fungus-beer, roasting squigs on sticks, coordinating the bets when a fight breaks out or looting corpses for fun and profit.


There is a faction known as Rebel Grots who had too much of their rough treatment and rebelled against their masters. Because of their organization skills they could sometimes build and maintain war machines and artillery.

Because Gretchin are synonymous with cunning, small stature, cowardice, negligent physical prowess and other things considered un-Orky, the term ‘grot’ is used derisively between the larger Ork boyz. i.e. – “Da’ boss needs some real boyz to do this job, not you pack of grotz!”

Though they usually obey to Orks, Gretchin could live on their own – on planets where only Gretchins settled and even could create small Empires in space, that apes Orks empires completely.

Orks Glyph

Find Out More About The Lowly Grots!