Triumvirate of the Imperium Box Set – UNBOXING

By Rob Baer | January 16th, 2017 | Categories: Sisters of Battle, Warhammer 40k News

Triumvirate of the Imperium

New plastic Sisters of Battle are here, along with new Mechanicus and Inquisition! Come take a look at the new Triumvirate of the Imperium! 

Triumvirate of the ImperiumTriumvirate of the Imperium

The Triumvirate of the Imperium is a collectors box set that comes with a leaflet of a collectors box inside with amazing graphics on it.

Triumvirate of the ImperiumTriumvirate of the Imperium

Sliding out the contents we see that it comes with an art print on top of the plastic collectors insert.

Triumvirate of the Imperium

We find the instruction manual under the plastic insert tray and it is definitely the same quality instructions we have recently come accustom to from Games Workshop. They are very detailed and colored to help us get these intricate minis together.

Triumvirate of the Imperium

Inquisitor Greyfax is a tiny miniature but not Malifaux tiny that is very hard to work with. She is still Heroic scale and what says grimdark battle like high heel boots?

Check out the entire unboxing video below to hear everything we have to say about The Triumvirate of the Imperium.

Triumvirate of the Imperium: $80

Triumvirate of the Imperium

A truly inspiring presence, the Triumvirate of the Imperium bolster the might of their allies even as they effortlessly obliterate the enemies of the Imperium that stand in their way. Waves of telepathic power from Inquisitor Greyfax steady the nerves and enhance the aim of the warriors around her, even as Archmagos Cawl’s augmentative data-shunts aid the war machines of the Imperium while stymieing those of the foe. At the head of the triumvirate fight Saint Celestine and her Germinae Superia, calling down the fury of the Emperor through ringing war hymns.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble five miniatures, who represent the Triumvirate of the Imperium formation from The Gathering Storm: Fall of Cadia.


Inquisitor Greyfax – clad in ornate power armour, she is a figure wreathed in shadow and fear, armed with master-crafted power sword and condemnor boltgun. She carries psyk-out grenades and wears the Psyocculum – the Eye of the Emperor.

Belisarius Cawl – a massive Adeptus Mechanicus Archmagos, he is armed with a master-crafted power axe, arc scourge and refractor field, as well as featuring a mechadendrite hive and scryerskull.

Celestine, the Living Saint – wearing the Armour of St. Katherine, she is armed with the Ardent Blade and a bolt pistol. She is accompanied by two loyal Geminae Superia, Sisters Genevieve and Eleanor armed with bolt pistols and power swords and ready to lay down their lives to protect the blessed saint.

Head over to Games Workshop to get the new Triumvirate of the Imperium and all the latest releases!