Triumvirate of Ynnead Aeldari Rules Finally SPOTTED!

By James Rodriguez | February 8th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Fracture of Biel-Tan Trio H&S TriumvirateImages from Fracture of Biel-Tan are starting to pop up all over the place, let’s take a look at the new rules for the models in the new Triumvirate box.

The Visarch and Yvraine have already been showcased this week by Games Workshop, so today we’re going to take a look at their rules from the new Fracture of Biel-Tan book.

These Images courtesy of Dakka’s Garion

Before jumping directly into their rules, let’s first take a look at the Warlord Table and Revenant disciplines that are referred to in a couple different spots in the rules.

Ynnari warlord Traits

Revenant Discipline

And now for the character rules themselves. First up…

The Visarch

The Visarch

The Visarch is able to heal a wound on a 4+ any time an Aeldari model is slain within 7″ of him. He also carries the Warden of Yvraine rule which allows Yvraine to pass wounds to the Visarch, and he always passes the Initiative test for Glorious Intervention to take Yvraine’s place. He has a Weapon Skill of 7, Leadership 10, saves on a 3+, and always has a Warlord Trait generated from the Ynnari Warlord Traits table (pictured above). All of this is making the Visarch a true force to be feared when facing off with him, and a true protectorate of Yvraine.



Yvraine has one of the most intriguing back stories of the Triumvirate trio, her rules are no different. First thing we see is a Weapon Skill 8, Leadership 10, saves on a 6+, which isn’t that bad in the end because the Visarch can take wounds for her, ultimately keeping her alive and deadly in the long run. At the beginning of each Psychic phase she generates D3 extra Warp Charge points, but only Yvraine herself can use these Warp Charge points. On top of being amazing with a sword she is also a Psyker and generates her powers from the Daemonolgy and Revenant disciplines (pictured above).

The Yncarne


The Yncarne has a Weapon Skill 8, leadership 10, and saves on a 3+. The Inevitable Death rule is really impressive. It pretty much says the Yncarne must be deployed in Deep Strike Reserve. Unless it has been slain, you can immediately place it as close as possible to the position of a fallen unit (friend or foe), at least 1″ from all enemy models, even if it is still in reserve.

Yncarne and all friendly non-vehicle units within 12″ have the Fearless and Feel No Pain special Rules. The Yncarne is also a Psyker, generating its powers from the Daemonology and Revenant discipline tables.

Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan $50


Though they long ago learned how to stave off the vile attention of She Who Thirsts – known as Slaanesh in the tongues of men – the Time of Ending yet tightens its grip on the Eldar. No matter the methods they use to escape the notice of the god who haunts them, the Eldar sacrifice much in the process.

Some Eldar refuse to abandon the glorious dream of building their ancient empire anew – or at least burning brightly before the end. Eldrad Ulthran, High Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé, puts into place a plan to bring forth Ynnead, the slumbering God of the Dead. A daemonic host assaults Biel-Tan, corrupting its infinity circuit. Unlikely alliances are formed in the face of desperation. And the Gathering Storm darkens over the entire galaxy…

The Triumvirate of Ynnead is looking more and more powerful every time we turn around. What are your thoughts? Will you be fielding these units? Let us know in the comments below.

Triumvirate of the Ynnead

More on the Triumvirate of Ynnead

About the Author: James Rodriguez

I’m a huge fan of anything tabletop. I play strictly Chaos in Warhammer, and Imperial in anything Star Wars. I spent 8 years in the military. Now I’m happy to be a civilian working with a great group of people.
“We are all tyrants. Do not fool yourself. We were bred for nothing else.”