Tutorial – Painting the Legions: Iron Warriors

 chaos walpaper IW iron
If you need help or need any tips for painting your Iron Warriors we have the guide for you right here! Check out this step by step tutorial.

The aim of the article (indeed this series) is to provide a guide for your own painting process. In no way is this the definitive guide on how to paint Iron Warriors. If you don’t have the exact colours, please substitute them. If you don’t like a stage please feel free to skip it.
In the end my hope is that you take whatever you can and interpret it in a creative way for your own work.
0. Undercoat Black (I use Halfrods car primer).
1. Block in base colours. Airbrush. Vallejo Air Black (metallic) followed by Vallejo Air Steel (sprayed at a 45 degree angle). PSI 20. Paintbrush. Vallejo Air Brass for armour trim. Vallejo Deep Yellow.
We are just looking to block in all the major colours here. We aren’t looking for shading or nuance, these come later. The head was covered with blu tac to avoid it being covered with silver paint. 
2. Paintbrush. Cover all metallic areas with Tamiya Smoke.
3. Sponge Vallejo Air Silver onto silver parts of the armour.
This stages breaks up the linear speak lines of the metallics. We want a nice scuffed up armour, well used to the roughness of siege war. 
4. Games Workshop wash Argax Earthshade, Nuln Oil on silver armour.
We are washing into the shadows of the armour, deepening the contrast between the lighter and shaded parts.
5. Paintbrush. Oil Wash, Burnt Umber and Lamp Black.
We are using the oil as a pin wash. This means that small quantities of oil will run along the grooves of the armour to define the plates. This technique is essentially black lining, but oil can be manipulated to create softer transitions. 
6. Skin tone and decoration. Paintbrush – GW Tallarn Flesh mixed with purple (90;10) for flesh. GW Ushbati bone for parchment, skull and death decoration.
7. Paintbrush. Add white to the previous Tallarn Flesh, purple mix of the previous stage and highlight the flesh. Add white to Ushbati bone for the parchment and decoration.
8.Paintrbush Oil Wash, Burnt Umber.
Place burnt umber into the deepest recesses of the face and leave to cure for 5- 6 hours. Then using a brush dampened with white spirit gently pull the colour out to create a subtle blend.
And voila! Iron Warriors. There are as many different ways to paint the Sons of Iron as there are collectors and undoubtably you’d be able to find something in this article to help with your own force. Games Workshop have released an excellent silver spray can that would provide an excellent base for your warriors. Enjoy painting.

Paints used: Vallejo, Reaper Master Series, Games Workshop Washes, Com Art Medea Airbrush Airbrush: Iwata Hi-Line HP-CH Airbrush Paint Brushes: Rosemary & Co. Raphael 8040, Broken Toad Brushes, Windsor and Newton Series 7

Checkout Lil’ Legend’s other Painting Tutorials