Two Hilarious 40k YouTube Channels You Should Know

By Felix Fimbres | June 3rd, 2016 | Categories: satire, Warhammer 40k News, Web Comic

tyrdanids and marines

Does life have you down in the Dumps? Stuck in a Hobby rut? Well, laughter is the medicine for all your ills and this dose is delivered by biscuit.

John Bain, aka TotalBiscuit, [Is there a half biscuit?], aka the Cynical Brit [Are there any other kinds of Brits?] has an, in my opinion, hilarious YouTube channel which covers well video games. What you might not have known is that he also covered Warhammer Lore in about a minute which is not only hilarious but also informative.

Sure, 40k’s lore gets deeper every year but Bain’s take is refreshing and the art is fun too!

emperor rubiks

“Horus, I’m going home to solve some serious issues. You Got this right?”

“To reunite all of man’s lost colonies [he created] 20 legions of generically engineered post-human bad asses, known as Space Marines, each with their own even more ridiculously OP Primarchs to lead them.” Bain says in the video.

imperial fleet


Of course, there are other YouTube channels that cover the 40k lore, more in depth, like The Vaults of Terra, which is amazing in its own right but in a completely different reason. The channel is a great resource for both beginners and veterans. History of the Imperium (Pt. 1) (18min)

But when you distill it all down the basics, Bain said it best, “Basically, life sucks, there’s only war, and you’re probably going to get eaten by Tyranids.”

tyrdanids and marines


So, the next time you’re in need of a laugh check out TotalBiscuit or if your hankering for some knowledge visit the Vaults of Terra.

What are your favorite YouTube channels during your HobbyTime?