Tzeentch Grand Coven Detachment Rules Spotted

By Rob Baer | November 29th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Don’t miss this rules breakdown of the brand new Tzeentch Grand Coven Detachment and formations from the Wrath of Magnus supplement!

Grab your calculators and a taste for Chicken as we talk a walk down the Crystal Labyrinth and try to reason about the new Tzeentch formation..

BoLS has been covering the brand new supplement all week on their site, and as a matter or fact all those video stills you see out there are probably from their video as well:


(Photo Credit BoLS)

wrath of magnus detachment

wrath of magnus detachment

(Photo Credits BoLS)

Into the Grand Coven

Core: The Grand Coven is build around your choice of the War Cabal or the Sekhmet Conclave.

The War Cabal is the more pedestrian choice with more mandatory HQ choices and more in total if you want to go max psykers (more on that later). It is accompanied by a possible mix of Rubrics and Scarab Occult Terminators. You have a mandatory choice of 4 units.

The Sehkmet Conclave is more restrictive. You also have 4 mandatory choices, but it’s all about Scarab Occult Termys.  Of course this is how you get Magnus as a mandatory choice – and let’s be honest – Magnus is going to wreck some face on the tabletop.

Command: All these formations are about getting more psykers onto the table.

Auxiliary: Moving onto the mandatory Auxiliary choices gives you 4 options:

War Coven – for those who want ALL the psychic dice!

Tzaangor Warherd – for those who want a non-rubric infantry horde to balance out the Rubricae in your Core choices.

Daemon Engines, Legion Armory – for those who want the cheap way out for the formation tax.

Benefits of the Changer of Ways

Now that you’ve filled out your Grand Coven, what does Tzeentch give you for your efforts?

  1. Reroll your warlord trains – meh, everyone has that…
  2. Reroll Perils of the Warp – nice!
  3. All psykers manifest one additional power per psychic phase – BOOM There it is!


So from this it looks like T-Sons players got some very specialized rules for playing their legion the way it should be; with lots of psykers or with mass infantry / daemon engines (like for a siege perhaps..)

There is a HUGE potential for psychic dice here ( I think the original article counts 14 from the two formations), but you still have to take some compulsory units as well. Here’s looking at you Kroot er I mean Tzaangors…

Either way, pairing this with the new Russian nesting doll Horror units and you have some crazy psychic potential at your sorcererous fingertips- like never before!

Time to break out the calculator if your playing with Pink Horrors? What do you think of their rules for the Daemons?

That’s it for this one, we’ll break down more of the book from Frontline’s teaser post as soon as we can.

Thousand Sons wrath of magnus

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