Ultra Mini Knight Armor Kit From Legio Models

Legio Models Feature rTurn your Warglaives or Helvrins into Ultra Knights with the amazing new Ultra Mini Knight Armor Kit From Legio Models!

The hobby maniacs at Legio Models are always coming out with some amazing kits! We have been loving their releases lately and this one is no different. This time around, they are giving us another kit to upgrade our Knights! They’ve released a few sets for other factions recently, but this one would be perfect for the Ultramarines. 

Knights are already pretty cool minis, but when you add something like this on top, they become amazing! Let’s be honest, it’s so much easier to just slap these on instead of trying to do a conversion from scratch. Let’s take a closer look at the kit!

Ultra Mini Knight Armor Kit: $25

Ultra aRmor kit


Ultra Armor Kit


Ultra Armor Kit 2This kit looks great! If you’ve been looking for a way to make your Armigers stand apart, you have to check this kit out! They never rush out their kits and really take their time to make each one great. When you have such big minis, better have them look as good as possible! Let’s look at everything you get in the kit:

  • Shoulder pad х2
    Shin Guards х2
    Thigh Plate x2
    Collar armor

If you want to see how their kits fit and look on models, check out Rob’s unboxing of some here!

Kit Close-Ups:



Body Kit


Shoulder padsYou can really see just see how much detail they pack into every piece! If you’re already shelling out the cash for some Armigers, why not take it to the next level and make them really look incredible? Every kit we’ve gotten from them has been extremely well made and easy to build.

That does it for this one! If you want to set your knights apart, you have to check out Legio Models!

Grab Your Knight Upgrade Kits Here!