Ultramarines Psychic, Stratagem, & Traits Rules SPOTTED!

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Don’t miss all the new Psychic, Stratagem, Warlord Traits rules reveals for Gulliman’s Ultramarines!  The masters of the Codex: Astartes are looking so good now!

Warhammer Community previewed a new wave of rules just around the corner for the Ultramarines. From bonus rules springing off of Doctrines to relics and Psychic Powers, these guys are going to be shaken up!

Special Thanks to the Mob Rules for their review. I love these guys- they are my new favorites mostly cause they know seem to know what they are talking about more than most! They’re funny and they give you the bits you need to know!

happy guilliman

If you missed the first post on the new Special Characters and points costs, be sure to check that out here.


Bonus Rules for Doctrines

ultramarine doctrine

You might have already seen that the Chapters are getting bonus rules called Doctrines. All Chapters start with the same Doctrine active at the start of the game. However, as the game progresses, they can switch up the rules and pick which Doctrine is best for the stage that turn. That being said, Ultramarines are getting exclusive rules that play off of the Tactical Doctrine because of their tactical mastery.

Specifically for the Tactical Doctrine of the Ultramarines, their units can essentially ignore Heavy keyworded weapons, or even proc rules allowing them to fire twice like the Repulsor Executioner (even if it did fully move).

Ultramarines Strat: Tactical Expertise

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In the same vein as the Tactical Doctrine support, Ultramarines are getting a 2CP, once per battle Strat called Tactical Expertise. Essentially this is an army-wide strat that makes your wound rolls of a 6+ from Assault/Rapid Fire guns an additional -1 AP. That means that normal Bolters wounding on a 6+ wound be AP-2!

There are 15 other stratagems on the way for a total of 16 inside the Ultramarines supplement!

Ultramarine Codex stratagems


Ultramarine Codex stratagems


Ultramarine Codex stratagems

Ultramarine Relics

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You can now give your mainstay HQs in your army a 3++ invuln (if they didn’t have it already) and also give them the ability to dunk a psychic power out of the sky. The real benefit to this is that your Captain models don’t need points sunk into them for a Storm Shield anymore. You can make an Ultramarine Smash Captain, give him this relic, and load him up with a Thunder Hammer and Chainsword.

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If you’re giving your models plasma pistols, you can give them a souped-up version that they probably stole from the Dark Angels. It’s a pistol 2 (essentially always overcharged) gun that never overheats. But the 3++ invuln/deny is probably going to be more competitive.

You can see the rest of them below which are for ULTRAMARINE keyword only. Successor chapters can spend 1cp to get one of these.

Ultramarine Codex Relics

Don’t miss that super stormbolter and invulnerable cloak can that can heal you!

Warlord Traits

…to this end, Codex Supplement: Ultramarines includes a set of six Warlord Traits that exemplify the strategic brilliance of the Chapter’s officers. Master of Strategy, for example, enables an accompanying unit to take advantage of the Tactical Doctrine 

Ultramarine Codex Warlord Traits

GW mentioned that out of six Warlord Traits, the Ultramarines are getting one called Master of Strategy. The Tactical Doctrine seems to apply to everyone for the Chapter so we’re not entirely sure how this Warlord Trait is going to work. But hey, GW gave it to us!

Also, note Booby G’s is #5 and Marneus is #6

Indominus Discipline

On top of a new Tigurius model and buff, the Ultramarines are finally getting their own Psychic tree! Check out what power was first previewed

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Telepathic Assault is something similar to the Grey Knights’ Purge Soul psychic power. You only need a 7 to cast it and you roll 2D6 +2. For every point you roll above the enemy’s leadership, they take a mortal wound. You can do in the upwards of 10 or more mortal wounds on units like Cultists/Gretchin if you roll hot. This thing is meant for clearing cheap waves of units with lower leadership but on average, you’ll probably only ever scrape up 3-5 mortal wounds. (It’s still nice).

Here are the rest of the new Indomius Discipline:

Ultramarine Codex ndominus disipline

That’s a great look at the larger changes rules-wise overall for the Ultras!

For more new rules previews, be sure to click play on the video below, and give these guys a sub for sure!

Danny's Hot takes: The Ultramarines Supplement Review

All The New Space Marines Rules To Know Now!

how to paint primaris marines  Need to keep pace with all of the Marine hotness coming to 40k? We’ve got all of the latest rules and tactics here for you! Check them out. Read More

All in all, Ultramarines are looking to be in an even better position in the meta! We still have to see all of the new Stratagems, Warlord Traits, points cost, etc. for the Chapter. But they could still be the reigning Chapter champ!

What do you think about this rules wave?

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