Unboxing the Emperor: Kabuki Celestant Knight

celestial-knight emperor kabuki

Come see the Celestant Knight, AKA the Emperor of Mankind from Kabuki models.

Sure they can’t say he’s supposed to be the Emperor, but I think we know…

EDITOR’S NOTE:  For all you kitbashers out there, these parts are perfectly scaled to work with the new plastic Guilliman model.

legio-praetoriana-honour-guard (1)

The Legio Praetoriana Honor Guard box just released from the fine fellows over in at Kabuki Studios in Italy, who just like the exotic car designers there, also make some very high quality luxury items as well.

Kabuki models has you covered when it comes to affordable “luxury” collectibles for our hobby, and the new Celestant Knight is no exception.


Finely sculpted and cast in detail preserving resin, this multi-part model is as good looking in it’s component form as it is on the tabletop!

“The Emperor” would be a very regal addition to your collection, and Kabuki’s new boxed set bundle saves you a grip of cash of buying both the Custodes models, and the Emperor himself separately.

Legio Praetoriana Honor Guard 80€


Don’t miss out get the new Legio Praetoriana Honor Guard set today, and lead you forces to victory on the tabletop!

The Emperor – Celestial Knight Unboxing Kabuki