Up Armor! More Forge World Unboxings

Today’s unboxing is on the new Reinforced Armor kit for the Rhino / Predator. 

A few months ago, around Christmas I think, Forge World put out this kit and no one really seemed to say much about it, until now.

You may remember the old extra armor kits they had done before, which from what I see below, pale in comparison to this new set.
This kit’s armor is a nearly symmetrical set, with all the amazing detail you would expect from Forge World.

This kit also includes armor plates for a Predator turret as well, so you don’t have to buy two different kits this time! I think that’s a nice little bonus that I’ll take any-day!

The Kit

Rhino/Predator Reinforced Upgrade kit  available for 16 pounds (~$25) from Forge World.

This popular kit has been remodelled by Will Hayes, and now features different details and optional turret armour plates so that it can also be used on the plastic Predator kit. Designed to fit the full range of Rhino-based plastic kits, the Rhino/Predator Reinforced Armour is perfect for both adding detail and variety to a Space Marine force and also for representing the Extra Armour upgrade from Codex Space Marines. -Courtesy FW’s site


For now though, enjoy the video of this armor kit. Oh and don’t forget to checkout my Caestus Assault Ram unboxing from last week, I just added some more info to the post so it’s worth a quick read! -MBG