Upgraded Knight Sorcerer Kit Hits Pre-Order!

Knight Sorcerer Kit FeatureTurn your Chaos Knight into a psychic being with this newly revamped and upgraded Knight Sorcerer kit from Legio Models!

Legio Models are always pumping out the coolest accessories to convert your Knights to perfectly match your army! They released a Sorcerer kit last year but have totally revamped it and made it so much more detailed this time around. Don’t let your centerpiece look like a scrub!

The box comes with everything you need to turn your Knight into a psychic master, perfect for a Thousand Suns army. The kit is made with high-quality resin and fits all kinds of knight varients. Let’s take a closer look at the upgrade.

Upgraded Knight Sorcerer Kit: $75.00

Knight Sorcerer KitThis kit is just massive! As it should be though, it fits on a knight after all… The kit really took the feel of their previous one and made it way cooler. This set is just the tip of the iceberg, they have so many cool kits! Go check out what else they have going on.

Knight Sorcerer Kit side 2We love how the kits cover the entire back of the mini, really just giving it a great feel from any angle. These pieces all fit really easily and make converting a Knight way easier than starting from scratch.

Knight Sorcerer Kit sideAnother angle of the massive upgrade. Here are all the Knights it fits on: These accessory components are compatible with the Imperial Knight Titan Gallant/ Warden/ Errant/ Crusader/ Paladin miniature by Games Workshop.

Individual Pieces:

Knight Sorcerer Kit piece


Knight Sorcerer Kit piece



Sun dial piece


Knight sorcerer headEvery piece is just loaded with detail! Hard to beat such awesome looking bits. The kit comes with all kinds of stuff, check out everything in it:

  • Carapace
  • Helmet
  • Crimson mask
  • Face Mask
  • Shoulder Pad x2
  • Hip Armor Left and Right
  • Leg Armor x2
  • Knee Armor x2
  • Pelvis Armor
  • Chestplate
  • Heraldic Shield
  • Thermal Cannon Shield
  • Rotor Cannon Shield
  • Rapid Firing Cannon Shield
  • brazier x2

That does it for this amazing revamped kit! If you play Thousand Suns and have been looking for a way to get a knight in your army, you have to check this thing out!

Upgraded Knight Sorcerer Kit