Upzone Pop-Up Terrain Kickstarter Coming in November!

Upzone FeatureDon’t have much space or want to travel with your terrain? The Upzone Pop-Up Terrain Kickstarter could be the answer!

For many of us, we don’t have a dedicated area where we can leave a battle board set up all the time. And, games take long enough as is, we don’t want to spend an hour getting a table ready for a battle. Not including building and painting it all… The hobby maniacs at Upzone are coming out with a solution very soon, looks like it kicks off November 10th. The Kickstarter was just one style to start, but with all the added hype around this amazing system, they have added even more possibilities to the Kickstarter! Here are all the sets of terrain coming out: Cathedral Zone, Dungeon Zone, and Ancient Zone. Who doesn’t love more options?

The wargame terrain system simply pops up and fits together. All you have to do is bring out the pieces you want and pop them up like a greeting card. They are also interchangeable, so you can change the layout every time.

We did a small preview on this before, but now we have a launch date and more terrain! We only have a week or so to go until we can start backing the project, so might as well sign up so you can back it early and get even more stuff. Let’s take a look at the preview of the great terrain system!

Upzone Pop-Up Terrain Kickstarter:

Pop Up Terrrain


Building Pop-up


Crates Pop-upFold it out of the box like a book and you’re done. Really that simple! No painting, assembly, or set up time. almost no effort… works for us. With it all being interchangeable, you can also change the layout of your table in seconds. It can also be utilized for so many games systems, like 40k, AoS, RPGs, D&D, and much more! With the addition of the new sets, you have even more options to set up your table!

If you love all things terrain, see what else is going on!

How Does it Support Minis?:

Supporting Models battle R


Supporting ModelsThis is a big question, how well does it support minis? It turns out very well! The terrain can support as many minis as you can fit on them (maybe not an Imperial Knight, but come on…). They even have some extra connecting pieces as well so you can add them to make them stronger. No need to worry about wobbly model syndrome with this Kickstarter.

Fits In One Box:

Single BoxOne of the coolest parts about this is the whole thing fits into a single box. Barely takes up any room. So you can keep your whole battle board locked away and then break it out when needed. Perfect for any of us with a little less available space. Even if you grab all three sets you only have to store 3 boxes!

What a Full Table Looks Like:

Full table Pop-upIt looks amazing when fully set up! And you can change the tiles round to make the table be anything you want. You can also add more obstacles and pieces on top of it as well. That way you can add even more variance and style when you need to. Especially with the two added sets of terrain, they will have something for everyone!

That does it for the preview of this amazing Kickstarter! The project is beginning soon so go get their page and sign-up to be notified when it goes live!

Go Sign up for the Upzone Pop-Up Terrain Kickstarter Here!