Van Saar, Specialist Games: Pricing & Details

warhammer-pre-ordersGW has a bunch of new Warhammer releases this week from Necromunda and Blood Bowl- check out the pricing!

More new releases are here from Games Worskhop including the Necromunda Van Saar update, so be sure to check those out!

December White Dwarf Issue 449 $9.00

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december white dwarf

  • Includes the epic conclusion to James Swallow’s serialised novel, Faith & Fire
  • The fourth and final part of White Dwarf’s inaugural Flashpoint series, set in the Argovon System
  • Packed full of new rules, short stories, regular columns for Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000, as well as much more



BLood Bowl banner

Dwarf Team Accessories Cards $27.00 / Dice  $15.00

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dwarf bb accesoriesThe Dawi are here to rumble on the gridiron, luckily their cards can help you play faster and the dice can help you look good while doing it.

Skaven Team Accessories Cards $27.00 / Dice $15.00

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skaven bb accesoriesJust like the Dwarves, the Skaven also is getting a new set of cards and dice to boot.

Skaven And Dwarf Pitch $47.00

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skaven v dwarf pitch bbTo round out the new Skaven and Dwarf card and dice packs, there is also a new pitch featuring the two factions as well.

Necromunda banner

House of Artifice Book HB $47.00

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house of artifice booksInside this book you will find:

– House Van Saar History and Background: An expansive and extensive background on the creation and origins of House Van Saar and its development over six millennia.
– House Van Saar Gang List: All the rules you need in order to field a Van Saar Gang in games of Necromunda.
– Hangers-on and Brutes: Rules for hiring Hangers-on and Brutes for your Gang, including Van Saar-specific ones and for using them in games of Necromunda.
– Hired Guns: Rules for using Bounty Hunters, House Agents, and Hive Scum.
– Strong Alliances: Rules for forming alliances with three organisations that House Van Saar has connections with, including the Promethium Guild, Imperial Imposters, and House Catallus – the Noble House that backs the House of Artifice.
– Additional Rules: This section includes new and additional rules usable by House Van Saar gangs in games of Necromunda, providing Van Saar players a variety of options, including Skills, Abilities, and gang-specific terrain.
– Weapon Reference Chart: A comprehensive weapons reference chart for all weapons and wargear available to House Van Saar and their Allies.
– House Van Saar Gang Tactics: A D66 table of Gang Tactics for use in Scenarios.
– Dramatis Personae: Rules for hiring and using three brand-new Dramatis Personae characters in your games of Necromunda.

This is an expansion to Necromunda – you’ll need a copy of the Necromunda Rulebook or the Necromunda: Dark Uprising Rulebook to use the contents of this book.

Archeoteks and Neoteks $42.00

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Archeoteks and Neoteks


van saar sprue


van saar sprue 2This 138-part kit makes two Archeoteks and four Neoteks. It comes supplied with four 32mm Necromunda Bases, two 25mm Necromunda Bases, and six 45mm Groove Stems.

Van Saar Dice $15.00

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artifice diceThese dice coming to Van Saar are actually pretty cool with their clear design. Pick them up to show off your dedication to the house!

Heresy Labs Assassin BundleSave $10- Get Yours Now!

Van Saar Tactic Cards $15.00

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van saar tacticsOf course, with any new release, there are also some cards coming to help you keep track of the rules you need in a given game, it’s sure to help speed up those first few learning games.

With this wave of pre-orders, is there anything you will be getting? Which set is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!