Vertigus Warhammer 40k Terrain Unboxing & Build

Vertigus Terrain feature Check out if the 9th Edition 40k Vertigus terrain set is a pass or fail, in this unboxing as we compare it to the other sets, then build it!
This week we are cracking open the new terrain set from GW and seeing what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop. It’s always cool to get some 40k terrain, but is this set worth pulling the trigger on?

We are going to show you everything that the kit comes with, how long it takes to build, and some comparisons.  That way you can decide if this box is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Vertigus Warhammer 40k Terrain Unboxing & Build

Battlezone: Manufactorum Vertigus

Vertigus TerrainThis is basically a reboxing of a lot of the terrain we’ve seen in the Indomitus boxes. You can also grab the data cards to make match play easier, but it’s another $25 so it’s up to you if that’s worth it.

Price Comparisons

Price ComparisonTo see if this is worth the money or not, Rob did some quick price comparisons. We did a breakdown of the other boxes pricing not too long ago and a ton of those boxes had this terrain in it. Basically, this new box comes with two more pieces of terrain than were in the Command edition box or the battlefield expansion box.

Two Building Sets Consisting Of:

  • One  Sub-Cloister and Storage Fane $60
  • One Engine Shed (consisting of two building ruins and two scatter pieces – it’s literally the same two sprues.) $60? 


  • Thermo Exchanger Shrine With Piping $50?
  • Auto-choral Transmitter With Piping $50?
  • Cardboard Terrain Board?

Total MSRP: $220

Total Value: $70

The sub-cloister piece by itself is $60 and the other piece is about $20. So it’s about $60-70 dollars of value if you bought everything in the smaller boxes.

You just have to decide if those extra pieces are worth the cash.

The Sprues

Vertigus Terrain sprues 2


Vertigus Terrain spruesYou get the following sprues in this box

  • 1x Storage Fane / Sub-cloister (2 sprues)
  • 1x Engine Shed (same exact sprues as Storage Fane/ Sub-cloister- 2 sprues)
  • 1x Auto-choral Transmitter
  • 1x Thermo-exchanger Shrine
  • 2x Sets of Thermo Pipes (2 sprues)

The sprues were made in China and directly imported to the USA. All the terrain is push-fit and looks really great. The push-fit terrain makes building it almost faster than clipping it out.

Vertigus Terrain sprues 3When you get up close you can really see just how much detail they fit into every piece. Like the little details such as the melted door and all the emblems.

Vertigus Terrain sprues 4They figured out a way to give you different options for building the pieces while still using the same sprues, pretty cool! Good on the design team.

Vertigus Terrain sprues 5Just a note, the Auto-Choral sprue is not push-fit and you’ll have to glue it together. Oh well…




Instructions 2The instructions are pretty well laid out and nothing seems too crazy and not too many gotchas. With push-fit terrain, it’s almost easy to understand where stuff goes!

Data Cards

Terrain Cards


Terrain Cards 2The data cards are really cool in the sense that you lay them next to each piece of terrain and you can quickly see all the rules for it. This can make games go much more smoothly if you are unsure about what terrain is what. You can obviously do the same thing with post-it notes, but this is cleaner so if you have $25 lying around, may be worthwhile.

It also gives you some of the differences between matched play and narrative play.

Completed Terrain

Completed Vertigus Terrain


Completed Vertigus Terrain 2Everything other than the one-piece is push-fit, making it super configurable and easy to break down and rebuild. Just makes it really fun to have a bunch of terrain that can be made into all kinds of configurations.

Sub cloister


Sub cloister 2 The Sub cloister is well over 5″ tall and will be able to conceal all kinds of minis. It also looks pretty cool!

ompleted Vertigus Terrain 4


Completed Vertigus Terrain 3All the tubing is push-fit and pops together super quickly, making it easy to transport if needed.

That does it for this one. Overall the terrain is pretty cool and fits together super well! The value isn’t terrible but the Command box comes with a decent amount of this stuff as well as a ton of minis!

Will you be picking this up or just passing?

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