Vigilus, Marneus, & Chapter Approved Pricing CONFIRMED

gw money cash

Games Workshop is going to be rolling out two new editions to 40k this week with Vigilus Defiant, Chapter Approved 2018 and more. Check out the latest.

Multiple retailers have confirmed the prices for Games Workshop’s next release lineup.

GW has been hyping up events in and around Vigilus for a while now, and are bringing in another layer of rules to 40k with formations, stratagems, Warlord Traits, and more.

Let’s start with the book.

Vigilus Defiant Hardback Book $50

vigilus defiant

This book is going to be full of new narrative campaigns designed for 4-12 players, formations usable in Narrative and Matched play, and missions where the elements fight back.

Vigilus Defiant Collectors Edition $80

limited edition
If the book has you more hyped than usual, you can always see if you can get your hands on the collector’s edition. Keeping with the theme of their collector’s edition codexes, it’ll have exclusive art and a different cover.

Marneus Calgar$55

marneus bodyguards

Marneus Calgar is back and more Primaris than ever. He’ll also be coming along with special bodyguards armed with power swords and storm shields. They can intercept wounds meant for your favorite Ultramarines Characters like Robbie G. 

Haarken Worldcliamer $35

This elite Raptor leader is one of the most terrifying Chaos Space Marine heroes we’ve ever made and is the ideal leader for any jump-pack based force. Shattering enemy morale, boosting the abilities of nearby Raptors and slaying characters with the Helspear, Haarken is great for a mobile, close-combat focused Black Legion army or as a brutal ally to any Chaos force.

40k Mini Carrying Case $35

Chapter Approved 2018 $35

chapter approved 2018 book

This book is going to come with the latest point updates for basically anything Imperium (and other factions). Not only are armies supposed to be getting more fine-tuned, but the Sisters of Battle beta codex will also be inside. You can playtest with the Sisters and give GW your feedback.

Chapter Approved 2018 Warlord Edition $75

Ultramarines Honor Guard $45

Honor Guard

Honor Guard are making a resurgence with the new and improved Marneus Calgar. You can actually find these guys in their full squads once again! Protect your characters with the Ultramarines elite guard.

Necron Cryptek $35



GW announced that they would be re-releasing this exclusive model for individual purchase. Beef up your Necrons with a fast-moving resurrector!

Titan Death Hard Cover $30


This is going to be a huge story advancement digging deep into the Titan-on-Titan wars between loyalist and traitor forces back during the 30k era.

Hubris of Monarchia Audiobook $18.99

hubris of monarchia

The Ultramarines muster at Calth to join their Word Bearers brothers in battle – but in the remnants of the Ghaslakh Empire, Captain Alcaeus would see his mission complete and the greenskin warlord dead before he joins his brethren.