Vote Now! Spikey Bits Staff Painting Competition

Over the weekend we had a little painting competition here at Spikey Bits central (namely FTW Games in Richmond Virginia), for the staff. We couldn’t enter the public one last month, so we came up with our own to be fair to all our wonderful customers!

Now we need you help to sort out the winner according to the world wide web!  So here are the entries, please vote for one won’t you? Click on your favorite model in the widget at the bottom!

Want to get in on a contest you can win? Checkout the prize stash on the left that will be up for grabs soon. Stay tuned to Spikey Bits for all the details on a sweet cross-over contest with another great blog. 
Thanks for the votes, see you soon! -MBG
Obligatory shameless plug time- We’re having a huge bits sale over at the Spikey Bits Online Store. All bits items are 20% OFF (yep  20% OFF). Just type the code Bits20OFF in the promotion code field when you check out and BAM! bits on the cheap!

Taking a cue from Tosh.O, you can also follow along with my hobby shenanigans by Joining Me, liking our Facebook, or catching my tweets live from major events!