Want a Free Titan, or Two? FW Drops New Bundle Deal!

titan family class

Want a titan for FREE?  Get the new Forge World Titan Bundle while the British Pound is down! Check out these incredible Titans right here!

The British Pound is at an all time low right now and that means extra saving on all your forge world orders like the Legio Titicanus Titan Maniple.

Checkout this deal from Forge World that basically gets you a Reaver titan (or almost two Warhounds) for FREE at the current pricing, and of course even more value if you consider the reduced exchange rate as well.

Legio Titanicus Titan Maniple: £2,850  (over £400 / $500 OFF full retail)

(bundle deal is $3549, which is down $600 based of current Exchange Rates – so you’re basically saving $1100 aggregated out)

legio titanicus titan maniple

legio titanicus titan maniple

legio titanicus titan maniple

legio titanicus titan maniple

legio titanicus titan maniple

 The god-engines of the Titan Legions have served Mankind since long before the Age of Strife, their origins lost in the Dark Age of Technology. The most powerful war machines to walk on the battlefields of the Imperium, Titans are armed with weaponry designed to level cities and obliterate armies. These colossal machines are fully capable of operating individually, but are often deployed in formal units known as a ‘Maniple’ comprising five god-engines.

This incredible value bundle consists of five fully armed Titans forming a complete Maniple: A Warlord Battle Titan, two Reaver Battle Titans, and two Warhound Scout Titans. It’s an exceptional way to collect a full force of Titans, or a great opportunity for a group of collectors to buy multiple Titans.

Included are:
A Mars pattern Warlord Titan body
A Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Titan Head
A pair of Mars pattern Warlord Titan Laser Blasters
Two Mars pattern Warlord Titan Belicosa Volcano Cannon £1240 MSRP
Two Mars pattern Reaver Titan bodies
Two Reaver Titan Apocalypse Missile Launchers
Two Reaver Titan Powerfists
Two Reaver Titan Laser Blasters £1242 MSRP
Two Mars pattern Warhound Titan bodies
Two Mars pattern Warhound Titan Plasma Balstguns
Two Mars pattern Warhound Titan Vulcan Mega Bolters £780 MSRP

= total of £3263 MSRP

If the contents of this bundle do not exactly match the Titans you want to build, please contact the Forge World Customer Service Team before placing your order. If you would like alternative weapons for your Titans, or would prefer Chaos Titan bodies, we’ll be happy to create a bundle for you with the same great value. Please note: the bundle must contain all of the parts needed to construct one Warlord Titan, two Reaver Titans, and two Warhound Titans.

Head over to Forge World and save HUGE on this new Titan bundle before the British Pound goes back up!