Want Some Sun & 40k? BeakyCon 6 GT – St Pete, Florida

etc hall tables

BeakyCon is coming back to Florida! Checkout details below, and get ready for some hot summer 40k action this June!

++ BeakyCon 6 40k Grand Tournament – St Pete, FL ++

BeakyCon is an annual 40k grand tournament held in Florida and this is our sixth year in a row. This year it will be held at Critical Hit Games in St. Petersburg on June 25.

BeakyCon 40k BBF GBF

There will be five rounds at 1650 points using the ITC FAQ with the caveat no GMC or super heavies this year. If you’d like to register (only $30) go to the click here.


Here’s our official blog if you’d like more information:

Return of the Wulfen

This year we will allow the public to purchase our Beaky dice. In the past the dice were only available to those attending the grand tournament. The dice sale helps to cover the cost for prize support and your support is greatly appreciated.

The 13th Company is our official logo this year and appears on the sixth side of each dice. If you love Space Wolves these are the dice for you… Bran Redmaw definitely approves ! You’ll be glad you did.

Here is the cost to order your own dice:

  • 06 = $12 (Blood Claws pack)
  • 12 = $20 (Grey Hunters pack)
  • 24 = $40 (Long Fangs pack)
  • 48 = $75 (Wolf Guard pack)

++ BeakyCon 6 Dice ++

Return of the Wulfen – Get Your Own Set of Wulfen Dice HERE