Painted Warcry Starter Set Ruins: Wargame Terrain Factory

warcry terrain wargames factoryCome and see one amazing set of custom terrain as we take a look at one of the latest projects from the hobby maniacs at Wargame Terrain Factory!

The artistic team at WTF is pumping out some amazing looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. Take a look at one of their latest works of art.

Warcry Starter Set Ruins: $360

WTF Terrain

We’re producing high-quality terrain for wargames (Cpt. obvious reporting), mostly for Warhammer 40000. Almost all our stuff is handcrafted, using best materials available – all kinds of XPS foams, HDF, cardboard, resin, wood, etc. We’re shipping all around the world straight from our beloved Poland. Our usual clients live in North America, Europe, and Australia. But we can work out any shipping details.

Whole terrain production proceeds with constant contact with the client using online message systems and includes exchange pictures, ideas, and thoughts. That’s because our greatest priority is creating product that satisfies our clients in 100%

WTF Terrain


WTF Terrain


WTF Terrain


WTF Terrain


WTF TerrainThat is some quality work! If you are looking for one-of-a-kind painted terrain for your tabletop, make sure you check out the creative team at Wargame Terrain Factory today!

Warcry Starter Set Ruins: $360

WTF Logo