Wargame Exclusive Necocyborg Lord Unboxing

Necocyborg LordWargame Exclusive recently came out with some new Necrocyborg models, just in time for the Necron spotlight happening in 9th Edition 40k!

Wargame Exclusive has been pretty popular for a while now with lots of hobby stores offering their Grim Skull models. Their kits are insanely detailed and look great on the tabletop! They are also great painting challenges if you are up to the task.

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Wargame Exclusive Necocyborg Lord Unboxing

Necrocyborg bitsLooking at all the bits laid out, you can get an idea of assembly and develop a strategy for painting.

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Necrocyborg assembledWith the model fully assembled you get a real taste of the character the model offers. The lord is definitely more unique compared to typical Necron Overlords. The tendrils really help push the design over the top.

Necrocyborg size compareA Primaris always makes for perfect size comparisons. When the Lord is put up against the Marine he looks to be just the right scale. A hair taller than the Marine, just as a Necron character should be!

Check out the video for Rob’s full breakdown and thoughts on the model!

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