Wargames Crew Kitty STLs Available Now Digitally

Kitty STL featureIf you want some amazing Kitty STLs and to help out Wargames Crew during these turbulent times, then you need to check these out!

Obviously, getting minis isn’t the most important thing right now in the region, but you can still support one of your favorite Ukrainian companies by picking up these amazing STLs. Plus, they are cats… so what is there not to love? 

Since they are having an extremely hard time shipping out minis, this is the best way to grab stuff from them, as you get a printable STL, so no need for shipping. If you want to read up on what’s happening with the mail in the area, check it out here. You do need a 3D printer to take advantage of these but can still support them even if you don’t have one.

Defence Kitty: $10

Kitty STLThis is both badass and cute at the same time, so just a super sweet STL. Since this is their project, we’ll let them tell you more about it:

This is the Defence Kitty – she personifies all the girls of Ukraine who took up arms and defend our country. 29mm to the eyes, 32mm base. 

They also say they will help you with the file if you have any issues, just shoot them a message on their socials. This isn’t the only STL they have either!

Sirko Warrior STL: $10

Kitty STL 2This is just another really cool STL with tons of flavor and could be used in a ton of games. This would actually make for a super cool Guard alternative leader. Who knows what types of humanoids will be in the future!

This miniature is dedicated to a specific person – our friend and wonderful sculptor @derbilovanton . Take care of yourself buddy!

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome files.

Get Your Wargames Crew Kitty STLs Here!