WarGamesCon – Necron Raffle Army

MBG here with a closer look that the awesome raffle army that Next level Painting did for WargamesCon!
If you look close you’ll see some custom converted Crypteks that I did for the army as well!  More on those guys later!
This army is to be raffled off at the upcoming WargamesCon in Austin, Texas.

After entertaining multiple ideas for the color scheme, we opted for a classical take on the traditional look. We chose a basic antique metal and Object Source Lighting effects for the army, along with temple ruins for the bases.

The blue in the bases really contrasts well with the neutrality of the metals and the green highlights. This force is a good representation of the variety of models in the new Necron codex, and features many of the new sculpts.

This Necron army was professionally built and painted by Next Level Painting. The models and army list were provided by Spikey Bits and Bell of Lost Souls to raise money for the annual WarGamesCON Raffle. This force features a traditional color scheme with an antique finish. The object source lighting in the green details reflects well and compliments this simple, yet effective theme.

Next Level Painting is proud to be a part of WarGamesCON and showcase the skills they have to offer. You can see lots more pics of numerous projects in their gallery at

Next Level Painting specializes in large commission painting of whole armies using an airbrush to lay down the base colors, blends, and highlights. This is complimented by fine detail work and consistent communication throughout any project. If you like what you see, check out the website for many more examples and inspiration that can introduce you to the next level.

For a chance to win this army, you can pick up tickets here:

Click below for more pics!

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