Warg’Name Miniature Nameplate Creator: Tutorial

name plate creator rThe Warg’Name Miniature Nameplate Creator Kickstarter is a super-easy way to customize your army with 3D printing!

In this tutorial, Rob is going to go over how to actually create your own nameplates with this KS, what they look like printed and let you see some of what we’ll be offering in the Spikey Bits store. The project is pretty affordable and a really fun add-on.

Since this is just a way to upgrade your current army, it’s just super fun. So be on the lookout for these in our store soon, but if you have a 3D printer, you can always back the project and make them for yourself here! 

We’ll show you everything included in the project as well, that way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars! Let’s check it out.

Warg’Name Miniature Nameplate Creator: Tutorial

Nameplate generatorThe whole setup seems super easy to use and honestly if you have a printer you should be able to do it with no problem. Let’s hear what they have to say about it: With this Kickstarter, Warg’name is providing you with a set of “premade templates” of different shapes and sizes so you can MAKE or SELL your own nameplates with a PRO result!

Warhammer 40K(c), Age of Sigmar(c), Blood Bowl, Warcry(c), Warhammer Quest(c), Dungeons and Dragons(c), Infinity the gam(c), Marvel Crisis Protocol(c), or ANY OTHER game you know… The possibilities are HUGE!

Nameplate generator 2


Nameplate generator 3The project is going to come with a ton of styles, this is just a small sample of all the sizes and styles you can use when you back the project, honestly, there are so many styles you can pick from it’s almost insane!

Using Blender

BlenderYou do have to use this software to make your own plates and customize them. Rob is going to give a quick rundown of how to use it.

Nameplate generator 2They have protips on here if you forget how to use the program while in use, which is nice. This has a similar learning curve to using layers in Photoshop, so as long as you give it about ten minutes of study, you should be able to figure it out.

Nameplate generator 3It took Rob about 30 seconds to add the name, the runes, and pretty much everything. They have a ton of fonts, bolts, and accessories. They have a ton of preloaded templates, so pretty much anything you want, it has it in there. The only thing is sometimes you’ll have to adjust the sizing to get what you want to fit.

Printed Examples

Nameplate generator 4They look really cool when they are printed out, with just a little gray primer, they already look sweet. You can just clip it out and paint it!

Nameplate generator 5Painting these up is super easy, Rob just primed it bronze and did a little Greedy Gold from the Army Painter and then washed it to get it this look. As you can see, this just adds a lot of character to your minis in only a few minutes.

Final Thoughts

Nameplate generator 6These are just super easy to make and really add a lot to your army. Plus, they have a ton of commercial options, so if you want to sell these you can!

Support the Kickstarter Here!

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Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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