Shrinking GW Warhammer 40k & AoS to 15mm Scale

15mm-scale-warhammer-40k-age-of-sigmarShrink your games of Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar to 15mm scale that’s a really fun way to play if you have a 3d printer!

Recently eBay Miniature Rescues did a full video on how to print and paint up your own 15mm scale army! Plus, designer Corvus Games also has been coming out with some small-scale prints to fit your whole board on your desk.

We’ll start with the new terrain and then check out the Warhammer army Casey made and how you can make your own and play Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar on an entirely new scale!

Warhammer 40k & Age of Sigmar in 15mm Scale

15mm scale terrain Warhammer is ShrinkingThis is just awesome, as it gives you an entire battlefield with tons of pieces in a really small package! This means you can play games and not take up a whole room in your house!

15mm scale terrain Warhammer is ShrinkingHere’s what they have to say about the set:

Grimdark BattleBox15 Travel Game System 15mm STL: $15

The BattleBox15 Travel Game System is a simple 3D printable solution to your on-to-go small-scale gaming needs. It comprises a set of stackable and connectable storage boxes that connect together to form a 30cm x 22cm gaming board.

15mm scale terrain Warhammer is Shrinking

Each box has a number of OpenLOCK ports to connect to the other boxes, along with a lift-off lid that doubles as the ‘floor’ of the gaming board. When stacked and clipped together as a storage box, there’s an optional clip-on main lid with a carrying handle.

This is a great start for your small gaming needs, but where can you get miniatures to print for your army? For Warhammer 40k, you can go with Puppets War, or Atlan Forge like Gray Scalp did below in his video.

For Age of Sigmar, Casey from eBay miniature rescues has a great recommendation.

Age of Sigmar in 15mm Scale

pocket hammer 2Forest Dragon Minis have a monthly Patreon that prints out 10mm armies. Casey wanted to play a small version of Warhammer that actually uses the same rules you can find in the AoS 3.0 rule books. However, you could easily shrink down 40k minis or find other minis for the small scale out there. For this, though, he’ll be more focused on AoS, but the ideas would work just as well for 40k!

Whereas you could play another game, he just wanted a smaller scale, so it’s cheaper, easier to play on smaller surfaces, transport, and easier to paint. So, you can grab the 3D STL files from them or type the same thing into eBay and find a ton of armies. However, there are some problems to solve to be able to do this.

Problem #1: Finding Minis That Make Sense

pocket hammer 3Thanks to Forest Dragon Minis, this problem is pretty much solved. While you may have to proxy some stuff, as they are a little more Warhammer Fantasy style. All the minis are pre-supported, but a none supported model is available as well.

Problem #2: Scale

pocket hammer 4There are plenty of awesome files out there that you can just scale down. There are plenty that of Warhammer-inspired figures out there that you can just scale down and print on your own if you don’t want to proxy as much. Remember, he originally went 10mm here, so it’s really, really small.

To fix that, he scaled everything up to 15mm, this makes them stable enough for them not to fall over and makes the game easier. Converting the game to the size is really easy. Basically, take everything that’s in inches, and make those centimeters. The scale almost works out perfectly.

Problem #3 Portability

pocket hammer 5Let’s first look at the armies, then figure out how he transports them. He printed out two full 2,000 point armies, one for Sylvaneth and one for Soulblight Gravelords.

pocket hammer 6


pocket hammer 7For painting, he took inspiration from the box art for Cursed City. Where you just prime them black, and then once the primer was dry, he did a big drybrush of white over every mini. This was time-consuming but worth it in the end. For the vampires, he then came with a red from the side and finished them off with a light white drybrush. For Sylvaneth, he did the same thing but with green.

pocket hammer 9Finally, to transport them, he went with a sweet TMNT lunch box! In the end, he’ll probably go with a tackle box that will be more useful in the long term.

Playing a Game

pocket hammer 8It really feels like playing a game of AoS. Even at this size, it looks pretty epic on the tabletop. It’s not the exact same, but being able to pull out a pencil box and play a game of Warhammer, it’s pretty amazing. Plus, printing out an entire army feels pretty good.

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

Have you ever thought about going small-scale, like 15mm, for your games of Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar? 

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