Warhammer 40k: Make Primaris Great… Again?

By Wesley Floyd | July 26th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

Primaris Space Marines Wal Hor

Welcome back to another salty installation of Imperial unit reviews. Let’s break down what kind of “edge” Primaris need to be seen more.

As you know, Primaris are Robbie G’s brainchild and everyone loves Robbie G. So, it only makes sense to love Primaris. (I hope you can get sarcasm through text.)

guilliman horz

Warhammer 40k: Make Primaris Great….Again?

But in all honesty, Primaris aren’t bad. They are just missing that extra oomph to becoming competitive.

Deathwatch Primaris

Deathwatch primaris Warhammer 40k: Make Primaris Great....Again?

I’ve harped on these guys enough so just to get these dudes out of the way, Deathwatch Primaris are the exception. With the way Deathwatch work, Primaris get buffed from all the other different Primaris models in the unit. They are the bee’s knee’s in terms of flexibility and effectiveness. Primaris Kill Teams can ignore heavy, fall back and shoot, deepstrike, etc. etc. just like a normal Deathwatch Kill Team.

They have a way around all the other problems normal Primaris struggle with.

Primaris Need Mobility

Land Raider

In keeping with the lore, Primaris have been thrown into the ranks of chapters and the older Astartes have been told to treat them as their own. Primaris are the big and beefy Space Marine other Space Marines wish they could be.

The issue is that they need their own transport to move them up the board and there’s only one kind. Repulsor tanks are too expensive to take as only a transport for Primaris. You mean to tell me eight Terminators can fit inside a Land Raider Crusader but players can’t fit a single Primaris inside?

primaris meme

A cheaper transport like something along the lines of a Rhino or even a flyer like a Storm Raven would be on the right track. Primaris Drop pods would even see play in a meta where most things don’t deepstrike anymore.

Primaris Need Comradery


Maybe the older Astartes just don’t want anything to do with the Primaris. It’s already a fact that Blood Angel Primaris are immune to the Black Rage. Some Blood Angels think they’re not actually family because of that and don’t want anything to do with them.

With that being said, it would be exciting to see a 10-man tactical squad with Primaris sprinkled in. Having a Devastator squad with 4 Lascannons and 4 Primaris Marines with Stalker pattern bolt rifles would see play.  If you’re from the same Chapter, why can’t you get along and join each other’s squads?

What do you think of Primaris? What units would you like to see them get in the future? Can you think of what Primaris lack the most? Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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