Warhammer 40k Kill Team Hivestorm Pre-Order Available Now!

kill team new release week pre-order 40k warhammer

Here’s all the pricing for the new Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Hivestorm Starter Box Set and expansion pre-order products that have hit their release date and are available now!

Updated November 16th, 2024, by Rob Baer with the latest pre-order and pricing information, along with the confirmed release date announcement for the 2024 Kill Team Starter Set from Games Workshop.

If you are looking for comparisons to the other Kill Team starter sets over the years, be sure to read our articles on 2024’s Hivestorm, 2021’s Octarius, and 2019’s Kill Team starter with Tau and Space Wolves.

Check out Games Workshop’s latest lineup of Kill Team releases, expansions, and accessories—now available! Yep, Warhammer 40,000’s Kill Team is back, bringing a flood of new rules, miniatures, and tactical choices that’ll make even a Tech-Priest’s circuits buzz.

From stealthy xenos Stingwings to surprisingly cute plushies (yes, you read that right), this launch has something for everyone! Here are all the details for these latest Kill Team Hivestorm new releases with a release date of October 5th, 2024.

New Warhammer 40k Kill Team Pre-Order Releases

40k kill team banner games workshop new releases warhammer roadmap

The latest Warhammer 40k Kill Team pre-orders are here, so it’s time to gear up for some intense close-quarters skirmishes in the 41st millennium. 

How to Order Kill Team:

Snag your new pre-order goodies from our handpicked list of retailers, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK)| Noble Knight Games |eBay| or |Games Workshop’s Store

40k Kill Team Hivestorm Pre-Order: $230 CAD$280 €180 £145

Kill Team Hivestorm box and board40k Kill Team is back with the Hivestorm starter box, with a release date of October 5th 2024. At the heart of Hivestorm, we find two teams ready to throw down: the precise and lethal Tempestus Aquilons, and their foes, the alien Vespid Stingwings.

The Aquilons drop in from orbit with all the grace of a flying brick but hit with the impact of a titan’s boot. Sporting gear straight from the Imperial war chest, they’re equipped for high-risk, high-reward missions that demand quick thinking and sharper reflexes.kill team hivestorm miniatures warhammer 40k vespid and tempstus

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On the other side, we’ve got the Vespid Stingwings, a xenos threat that buzzes through the killzone like a hive of hornets. They’re swift, ruthless, and come armed with weapons that would make a Necron jealous. Watching them flit across the battlefield, picking off targets, is almost… beautiful. Almost.

Both teams come with a range of build options, allowing for specialized operatives or good ol’ rank-and-file troopers. Whether you’re a fan of tactical ingenuity or chaotic winged destruction, this set delivers on all fronts.

Kill Team: Hivestorm Tactical Skirmish Combat Game, Warhammer
  • 1x 112-page softcover Kill Team: Core Book
  • 1x 72-page Hivestorm Dossier
  • 22x Multi-part plastic miniatures

Last update on 2025-03-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

operation hivestorm kill team pricing value guide wahrhammer 40k

The box has got you covered with a 112-page softback Core Book that’s packed with all the rules for the new edition. On top of that, there’s a 72-page Hivestorm Dossier that spills the beans on the plot and the Volkus campaign, and even includes the rules for both teams.

Be sure to check out our pricing and value breakdown guide here to see if this is worth it for you. 

Kill Team Hivestorm Pre-Order Free Gift Bonus Swag: Free From Participating Retailers

kill team hivestorm freebies

But wait, there’s more! For those quick on the trigger, pre-ordering Kill Team: Hivestorm (while stocks last) comes with some extra swag. If you go straight through the Warhammer webstore or hit up a Warhammer store on release day, you’ll snag a set of 12 bases with wound-counter dials—perfect for keeping track of all those dramatic near-deaths.

You get 10 at 28mm, one at 25mm, and one beefy 40mm dial, because let’s be honest, someone’s bound to take a lot of damage.

Now, if you’re going through third-party stockists, don’t worry—they’ve got you covered too. You’ll score a set of 11 wound-counter dice trays, each holding two d6 dice, so you can easily keep track of the inevitable carnage. Don’t forget to chat with your local store for the lowdown on availability.

And yes, both sets come with a stylish little drawstring bag—because who doesn’t want their accessories looking as grimdark as their kill team?

Kill Team Core Book: $60 CAD$70 €50 £37.50

kill team core rules bookClick Here To Buy Yours

Let’s be real, every good battle needs rules, and the Kill Team Core Book is here to make sure you have everything you need to lead your squad into the killzone and (hopefully) back out again. This 112-page masterpiece is packed with all the essentials, from the basics like “don’t shoot yourself in the foot” to advanced strategies that’ll have you playing like an Imperial tactician in no time.

This isn’t just a guidebook—it’s a full manual for mayhem across three distinct Killzones. There’s Volkus, where vertical combat makes it feel like you’re fighting on a deathtrap of stairs (because you kind of are). Then there’s Bheta-Decima, where you’ll be wading through swamps and trying not to drown before you even get to shoot anything. And finally, Gallowdark, a confined nightmare of close-quarters combat in the belly of a voidship, where you can practically smell the plasma burns.

Whether you’re a fan of classic head-to-head skirmishes (thanks to the Preliminary Ops pack) or you’d rather pit yourself against Non-Player Operatives (because sometimes it’s just easier to play against the AI than your friends), the Joint Ops pack brings a whole new way to play, letting you face off against automated enemies with pre-determined behaviors. So, whether you’re feeling tactical or just like blowing things up, this book has you covered.

Kill Team Equipment Pack: $45 CAD$55 €35 £27.50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

kill team equipment packClick Here To Buy Yours

Let’s face it—no kill team is complete without the right gear. Enter the Kill Team Equipment Pack, a glorious collection of 30 tiny pieces of battlefield brilliance. You get two range markers for when you’re just out of reach, two ladders for those vertical Volkus moments, and a whole bunch of barricades because, well, nobody likes getting shot in the face without cover.

This pack doesn’t stop at ladders and barricades, though. You also get razor wire, activated smoke grenades, mines, ammo caches—basically everything short of a kitchen sink. Whether you’re decking out your killzone or scattering bits of war-torn glory across your larger Warhammer 40,000 games, these pieces are a must-have. Plus, they look great just sitting on the table, adding that extra bit of “I’m definitely winning this” aesthetic to your game.

Approved Operations Card Pack 2024: Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

Kill Team Approved Operations Card Pack 2024

The Approved Operations Card Pack 2024 is your key to keeping things fresh in the killzone. With 36 cards covering everything from Game Sequences to Tac Ops, this pack is designed to throw in some tactical twists and keep you on your toes. Whether you’re planning a straightforward shootout or something a bit more… chaotic, these cards offer endless ways to mix things up.

What’s more, this pack is updated yearly, so you know you’ll always have some new tricks up your sleeve. It even comes with map cards, because navigating a killzone blind just isn’t as fun. And with maps for Volkus, Gallowdark, and Bheta-Decima, there’s no shortage of environments to plot, scheme, and wreak havoc in.

Killzones: Bheta-Decima and Gallowdark Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

Killzone Bheta-Decima and Killzone Gallowdark terrain packs

Every good fight needs a battleground, and the new edition of Kill Team brings back two fan-favorite Killzones—Bheta-Decima and Gallowdark. These aren’t just repackaged with a shiny new look; they bring their own brand of brutality to your games.

Bheta-Decima is a waterlogged nightmare, where swampy terrain threatens to slow your kill team down or swallow them whole if they’re not careful. Navigating this soggy mess requires more than just brute force; you’ll need to think strategically about where to step—or risk sinking along with your plans.

And then there’s Gallowdark, a claustrophobic death maze inside a voidship. If you thought close-quarters fighting was stressful before, wait until you try squeezing your kill team through narrow corridors while keeping an eye out for enemies lurking around every corner. The tension is real, and it’s going to take some serious skill to come out on top in these cramped quarters.

Both Killzones are fully supported in the new Core Book, meaning whether you like your combat wet and wild or confined and tense, there’s a killzone waiting to chew you up and spit you out.

Kill Team: Drukhari Mandrakes $80 CAD$95 €65 £50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Drukhari Mandrakes and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

The Drukhari Mandrakes are back, and if anyone thought they couldn’t get meaner, think again. These twisted, shadowy assassins are some of the most feared (and honestly, most nightmare-inducing) operatives in the entire Drukhari roster. For a faction that defines “evil” in the 41st Millennium, that’s saying something.

This is their first time available as a stand-alone box, and with 10 miniatures, you can build them as regular Mandrakes or as specialized operatives—because if you’re going to be scary, you may as well be versatile about it. Also, they come with their own unique token sheet and a 34-card Datasheet deck that’s packed with all the rules and grimdark lore a Drukhari fan could want.

Kill Team: Nemesis Claw $75 CAD$90 €60 £45

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Nemesis Claw and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

The Night Lords have always been that special kind of evil. The kind where you start wondering if maybe there’s such a thing as too much murder and terror. Enter the Nemesis Claw kill team—a pack of 10 Heretic Astartes who don’t just indulge in violence; they practically bathe in it.

The Night Lords Chaos Space Marines are masters of psychological warfare, specializing in causing as much terror as possible before a single shot is fired. Their raiding parties, the Nemesis Claws, take this to the extreme, with their particular brand of slaughter being as vicious as it is methodical. They, too, make their first solo debut with this release, and just like their Drukhari counterparts, they come with a unique token sheet and a 34-card Datasheet deck. Whether you’re building them as specialists or as your regular dose of corrupted Astartes, you know you’re in for a blood-soaked ride.

Kill Team: Ork Kommandos $70 CAD$85 €55 £44

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Ork Kommandos and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

You can’t talk about brutal fun without mentioning the Ork Kommandos. If there’s anyone who takes the concept of “stealth” and makes it as loud and destructive as possible, it’s these green-skinned maniacs. Returning from the previous Kill Team edition, the Ork Kommandos are here to cause maximum chaos with just enough cunning to make it all work.

This box includes 12 miniatures: 10 Kommandos that can be built as various specialists or regular troops, plus a Bomb Squig (for when things need to go BOOM) and a Kommando Grot (for when things need to be… well, sneakier). As always, they come with a unique token sheet, and their 36-card Datacard deck gives all the rules and sneaky Orky ploys you’ll need to smash your enemies to bits while pretending to be subtle about it.

Kill Team: Space Marine Scouts: $80 CAD$95 €65 £50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Space Marine Scout Squad and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

What’s scarier than a fully armored Space Marine charging into battle? A neophyte Scout Squad getting ready to earn their Power Armor, of course. These 10 miniatures represent the young and eager recruits of the Adeptus Astartes, and they’re back with all the flexibility that made them so effective in previous editions.

You’ll get plenty of customization options, from weapons to gear, letting you build a Scout Squad that suits your tactical needs. With a unique token sheet and a 34-card Datacard deck, you’ll have everything you need to make your Scouts a deadly force on the battlefield. Sure, they might not have earned their full plate yet, but that doesn’t mean they can’t cause some serious damage.

Here’s a casual and witty rewrite of the article, blending deep lore to appeal to both newcomers and long-time Warhammer 40K fans:

Kill Team: Hernkyn Yaegirs: $65 CAD$80 €49 £37.50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Hernkyn Yaegirs and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

The Leagues of Votann are a force to be reckoned with, and the Hernkyn Yaegirs are their vanguard. These advance scouts roam far ahead of the main Votann forces, seeking out resources, intel, and sometimes a good fight. This 10-miniature set has been repackaged for the new edition, with the same hardy mix of specialists and basic Yaegirs ready for action.

Their accompanying unique token sheet and 34-card Datacard deck will make sure your Hernkyn have all the tools they need to succeed, whether they’re scouting, fighting, or both. Because when you’re this far ahead of the main force, you’d better be ready for anything.

Kill Team: Corsair Voidscarred: $65 CAD$80 €49 £37.50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Corsair Voidscarred and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

The Corsair Voidscarred are what happens when you mix space piracy with Aeldari elegance and a penchant for causing mayhem. These are not your average Aeldari—these are brigands and outlaws who raid killzones across the galaxy, looting, plundering, and generally making a mess of things.

With 10 miniatures that range from psykers to specialists, the Voidscarred are versatile and, of course, tricksy. You get a unique token sheet and a 37-card Datacard deck with everything you need to bring your pirate fantasies to life—minus the parrots, unfortunately.

Kill Team: Blooded $75.00 CAD$90 €60 £45

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Blooded and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

If there’s one thing that makes the Blooded kill team dangerous, it’s their undying hatred for the Imperium. These traitor Guardsmen have turned their backs on the Emperor, and they want everyone to know about it. This set of 12 miniatures includes 10 Traitor Guardsmen, a Traitor Ogryn (because, obviously, one giant traitor is better than ten small ones), and a Traitor Enforcer to keep them all in line.

They’re accompanied by a unique token sheet and a 38-card Datacard deck to give you all the rules, ploys, and profiles necessary to make these turncoats the bane of any loyalist force.

Kill Team: Brood Brothers $65 CAD$80 €49 £37.50

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

Kill Team Brood Brothers and DatacardsClick Here To Buy Yours

The Brood Brothers are the Genestealer Cult’s answer to having a decent workforce. These are the once-loyal Imperial soldiers who now fight for the glory of the Four-armed Emperor, and they’re ready to rise up. This set of 10 miniatures is based on the Cadian Shock Troopers sprue, with plenty of upgrades to give them that suspiciously bald, Genestealer-worshipping look we all know and love.

They, too, come with a unique token sheet and a hefty 40-card Datacard deck, so you’ll have everything you need to lead the uprising against the Corpse-Emperor. The Day of Ascension is coming, and the Brood Brothers are ready.

New Black Library Now Available

new from black library banner new new black library siege of terra pre-order

The latest Black Library titles are here; they’re hotter than a Salamander’s forge! Whether you’re into far-future battles, mysterious quests, or tales of heroism, there’s a new great read for everyone again this week.

Baneblade: The Omnissiah’s Gift of Destruction Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

Baneblade (Audiobook)

Ah, the Baneblade. If there’s one thing the Imperium loves, it’s a ridiculously oversized tank bristling with enough firepower to make even a Warlord Titan jealous. And now, thanks to Guy Haley, the epic tale of one such magnificent war machine is coming straight to your ears in audiobook form. That’s right, the legendary Baneblade is rumbling into the Black Library’s audio catalog for a limited-time pre-order next week, giving you the chance to experience all the tank-sized drama from the comfort of your headphones.

In this epic, we follow Honoured Lieutenant Marken Cortein Lo Bannick, a man whose name is as long and grand as the vehicle he commands. He’s been put in charge of the Mars Triumphant, a Baneblade-class super-heavy battle tank that is more than just a hunk of metal with guns. This machine is practically sacred, forged in the forges of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and now tasked with bringing death and destruction to the Ork-infested Kalidar system.

So, if you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like commanding a gigantic, gun-laden behemoth while dealing with both alien invaders and squabbling comrades, this audiobook is the ride for you. Don’t miss your chance to jump inside the Mars Triumphant and see just how chaotic life inside a Baneblade can be.

Baneblade (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Haley, Guy (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 415 Pages - 10/15/2016 (Publication Date) - Black Library (Publisher)

Last update on 2025-03-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

New Warhammer Official Licensed Product Now Available

licensed product banner
This week’s releases are loaded with officially licensed products that’ll have your gaming table, wardrobe, or hobby shelf looking top-notch. Whether you’re eyeing that sleek new apparel or grabbing some collectible figures to show off your love for the grimdark future, there’s something for everyone.

Tomy Plushes: Only Available Directly From Games Workshop

Tomy Plushes

In perhaps the strangest (yet most adorable) twist in Warhammer 40,000 history, Tomy is bringing us a new wave of plushes. From a Watcher in the Dark to a squishy Servo Skull, these cuddly characters are perfect for fans who like a bit of absurdity with their daily dose of grimdark. I mean, who wouldn’t want a cute Ripper or a Sassy Nurgling sitting on their shelf, judging your battle tactics?

And there you have it— Warhammer 40k Kill Team’s new offerings are here in all their brutal and chaos-inducing glory. Whether you’re planning to rule the battlefield or just want a Nurgling to keep you company, there’s a little something for everyone in this launch.

Getting Started with Warhammer 40k Kill Team: Your Ultimate Rules Guide

What do you think of the new Warhammer 40k Kill Team Hivestom releases that have hit their release date and are now available on store shelves?