Warhammer 40k Qualifier Tournament Series Announced!

gw-tournamentsGW just announced 310 World Championships of Warhammer Qualifier tournaments all throughout the world- check it out!

GW has been running the US Open series for a few years now, but it looks like they are ramping things up. This will not be just for the USA, though; there will be over 300 qualifier spots (originally 170) from over 36 different countries. However, the final will be held in the USA, just something to keep in mind.

Now, we actually know what tournaments will qualify you for the championship, but it also looks like GW is still trying to find more spots. So, who knows, the championships might end up with an insane number of players.

Qualifying World Championships of Warhammer Tournaments Announced!

The info comes from this Warhammer Community post.

Warhammer World Championships

The World Championships of Warhammer are coming. This is already shaping up to be an incredible finale featuring competitors from three dozen countries and over 300 qualifier events – and you can be one of them!

Events from Austria to Australia are already signed up, pitting Warhammer players from across the globe against each other to prove themselves the undisputed champions of their favourite games. 

More than 36 countries will be represented – and from five continents – making the inaugural year a truly global event! And if you’re a Warhammer fan Stateside, don’t forget you can aim to qualify for a place by taking part in the US Open, tickets for which go on sale TODAY. 

They have really expanded this from the first time they announced it, so there will be way more qualifiers and players than originally expected.

Warhammer World Championships 2

All told, over 300 qualified players across four game systems will be represented (at minimum!) at the first World Championships in Atlanta, Georgia in November. We couldn’t be more excited to welcome such a diverse international crowd to the finals. And many more applications for qualifier events are still under consideration as they roll in.

The World Championships represent the entirety of the Warhammer hobby. Players will qualify at certain events based on Best Overall criteria (inclusive of their painting and competitive scores), while others are focused more on pure generalship. 

During the first two days at the Finals, players will all compete in group stages akin to the World Cup, with the top eight players in each game system entering a Double Elimination event for Best General across the final two days. 

The other players will compete for awards including Best Overall and Best Painted, while every competitor can earn further glory for their continent and country in a Ryder Cup-style accumulation of points for wins, painting score, and country overall scoring.

It will be interesting to see a double-elimination style format and should make for a seriously interesting tournament!


Warhammer World Championships 3

These are all the USA ones so far, but there are over 300 already, so if you want to see everything, be sure to check out the WHC post. However, they are still looking for events, so if you’re running one, be sure to get in contact with them!

Will you be trying to qualify for the big event? 

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