Warhammer Day Terminator Chaplain Tarentus: Unboxing

Chaplain Feature rThe Exclusive Warhammer Day 2020 Terminator Chaplain Tarentus has made it to the studio- check out our unboxing and build!

This week we are unboxing the new exclusive mini and seeing what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop and how big it is. Rob goes over the mini, compares it to other Marine models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We are going to show you everything it comes with including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Warhammer Day Terminator Chaplain Tarentus: Unboxing

Chaplain boxAlways fun to get the exclusive minis without too much delay! This is the second exclusive Chaplain they’ve done in recent memory and it ran $35 from the site but is running about $50 on eBay already. Who knows what it will get up to, let’s look at how ridiculous the last mini’s pricing became.

Old Exclusive Chaplain

Old ChaplainIf you want to see the whole article, you can check it out here! But basically, this mini ended up going for $500 on the secondary market for awhile! Not sure if this one will ever get there, but it was pretty wild to see the price on the old Chaplain!

Instructions and Sprues

Chaplain InstructionsThis is all push-fit, so it should be super simple. One of his feet is part of the base, so just make sure you pay attention to that. The shoulder pad on the one side is also a separate piece so you can change it for something like another chapter. Overall the instructions are well laid out, and nothing sticks out as too hard.

Sprue chaplain 2


Sprue chaplainYou get one sprue in the kit and with it being push-fit, not too many mold lines to trim. Overall the detail looks good and should go together in seconds!

Completed Mini

Completed chaplainIt took longer to clip out than to put together. There is a ton of detail on this and not many gaps from the push-fitting. Rob doesn’t like the pose quite as much as the older Chaplain, but it does look pretty good overall.

Size Comparisons

Chaplain ComparisonAbout the same size as Mephiston, give or take.

Chaplain Comparison2He’s a little bigger than the older Terminators, so the scale definitely checks out. Overall he’s just kinda one of those models that if you want him, go for it, but he may not be quite a “must-have”.

Get Your Exclusive Chaplain Here

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