Will Steam’s New 3D 40k Tabletop Simulator Change The Way We Play?

By James Rodriguez | January 30th, 2017 | Categories: Videos, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

40k Sim SteamDon’t have enough hours in the day to get out to your local game store and play your favorite 40 army on the tabletop? Play it on Steam instead!

For a lot of people it’s hard to get out, as often as they’d like, to play Warhammer. Most of the time you have to dedicate at least half a day, or sometimes an entire day, just to get a couple games in. For others that’s just not possible. Well, now you can play Warhammer with your friends online via Steam.

Think Vassal, but fully 3D instead of just birds eye view:

40k Sim Steam

This is going to be where you can get an overview of your entire army, and every possible model you can take.

40k Sim Steam

It has full 3D control, allowing you to see every inch of your models. Also, if you hold your mouse over the model, it gives you all the stats associated with it.

40k Sim Steam

This is the tabletop view, get ready for war! You have a main battlefield, and a side table for you’re units that have yet to be brought in, or units that have been defeated.

40k Sim Steam

There is blast templates that make it easy to tell which units are going to be affected by certain attacks. This simulator also features a built in ruler, not pictured, for measuring move distance, or range.

40k Sim Steam

The dice are completely interactive, including a scatter die, allowing you to roll your dice for you and your opponent to see. If you hold your mouse over the dice it gives you an exact read of what numbers you rolled, and how many of each.

40k Sim Steam

As if just playing 40k online wasn’t enough, you also have access to a lot of additional features. Fully functional mp3 player, calculator, and note cards to help you keep up with need to know information.

They do not have Heresy units available yet, but our guess is it will be up in the near future.

This was definitely an amazing find, but it was only a matter of time before someone did it. So, what do you think? Is this going to take the fun of human interaction out of the game, or is it another tool for our Warhammer community to grow on? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Tabletop Simulator On Steam

Special Thanks to Chapter Master Valrak for making this video: