Warhammer World Teases New Thunderhawk Diorama

t hawk pad

Warhammer World just gave us a sneak peek of a new diorama the studio is working on and the Thunderhawk has never looked so small!

The Warhammer World Studio team is working on a new diorama that will be getting set up in it’s rightful place June 12th to June 16th. Let’s take a look at the new diorama and what they had to say about it.

June 12th to 16th inclusive we’re closing Exhibition Area 2 – The Imperium – to install a new diorama, and we sneaked into the Warhammer World Studio to see how the diorama work is going.

Diorama Warhammer WorldDiorama Warhammer World

The team took the work in progress diorama board to Warhammer Fest and, following some extra work, last week it looked like the picture on the right.

Diorama Warhammer World WIP

Since then, there are more buildings in place, more details added, texturing in place, and paint going on. The miniatures are almost all done, ready and waiting to be fixed in place once the scenery is complete, barring the final few which will be added once the board is in place in the Exhibition.

Diorama Warhammer WorldDiorama Warhammer World

This new diorama is already looking amazing. The Warhammer World Studio team put together some awe inspiring displays, and this one is no different. Never thought we’d see the day where a Thunderhawk looked small on something, but that day has come.

Be sure to check back with us for the latest updates on the new display that will be going in at Warhammer World June 12th to June 16th.

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