Necrons Undefeated: Top 3 40k Lists Alamo GT

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Necrons of all things go undefeated at the Alamo GT 40k tournament! Get the latest on the Top 3 Warhammer army lists from the event!

The Alamo GT was an event that managed to bring in eighty players! With that many players gunning for first place, there was a lot of competition. Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can get a look back at the lists in full detail.


3rd Place: Imperium- Andrew Ford

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andrew ford

This is your basic Knight package here. With three Knights being taken and a cheap-o Guard Battalion for the CP. The major difference about this list is that the player brought along a Crusader variant of the Imperial Knight. It’s the shootiest of all the Questor-Class Knights but is usually looked over. Good job.

2nd Place: Necrons- Antonio Cedeno

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Believe it or not, Necrons are still a thing! This Necron player moved these guys all the way up to 2nd place in the GT. This list ran three Doomscythes, three squads of Immortals, and three Doomsday Arks. While we saw the Destroyer spam lists have a small uprising, there’s not a single Destroyer in this list. Turns out Necrons are still a viable option and have other units besides Destroyers that can be used. Great work bringing a unique list!

1st Place: Thousand Sons- Matthew Allee

Thousand Sons


rubric marine

Yo Dawg, we heard you like Rubric Marines so we put Rubric Marines with your Rubric Marines! Three whole battalions with two of them loaded to the brim with Rubric Marines were the main source of CP and a weird screen. Rubric Marines can be deceptively tough with their pseudo 2+ armor save.

Moving onto the real workhorse of the list, Ahriman, some Daemon Princes, and two massive squads of Tzaangors were brought along. The Tzaangors could mulch any kind of infantry unit they came in contact with while Ahriman and the Daemon Princes hunted down the bigger targets. Great job making the Rubric Marine meme team a success!

What do you think about the lists that made it to the top? Did you expect to see that Necron list finish all the way in 2nd? Do you spam Rubric Marines in your Thousand Sons list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.