Warmaster Iconoclast Titan Size & 40k Possibilities

warmaster-titan-adeptus-titanicusThe new Warmaster Iconoclast Titan has some serious possibilities for 40k, both for in-game use and more.

The Warmaster Titan for Adeptus Titanicus is really something to behold, considering it stands as tall as a knight in 40k, and with the new kit, you could easily play it in both games.

Now with more weapon options, let’s first look at the new variation, see how you could use it in 40k and AT, then look at the possibility of a full-sized Forge World model!

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan

If your hab block is getting attacked by one of these, maybe hiding under a desk is the best way to go because what else are you going to do?

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle titanMeet the Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan. At 100 tons of ruinous energy, the Iconoclast is all about barrelling into the enemy like a 40-metre mechanical bull, delivering devastating close-range attacks with a preposterous loadout of melee weaponry. 

This is a really cool-looking version of the Warmaster, and don’t worry, there are still knee and shoulder guns! Obviously, this one is a melee-focused version and we can only imagine the type of damage a sky scaper-sized chainsword will do.

The nice part about this is with the melee weapons you could make a real Knight for 40k that would be the exact same size and have basically the same weaponry. So no one could really give you a hard time about it (not that anyone should get hassled about dope conversions).

Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle titan 2On its left arm, you can equip either the Krius siege drill or Krius grav imploder. The former is simple – a massive drill designed to crack fortifications, handily mounted within an enormous claw.

The grav imploder, however, is a device from a lost age, barely understood by the reckless Tech-Priests who now sanction its use. Through means unknown, the grav imploder concentrates gravity into a beam that turns the mass of an enemy against itself. This curious weapon can effortlessly implode a Titan into a heap of molten slag or crumple a Knight like an empty tin of corpse starch.

Warmaster Titan & 40k Possibilities

Knight Size Comparisons 2Now the Warmaster is as tall as the top carapace of the Imperial Knight at about 6-1/2″. Now consider this, at 5-1/2″ tall, the Warlord (right) stands at 22″ as a 40k model from Forge World.

That’s exactly 1/4 scale.

So at full scale, the Warmaster titan could stand an impressive 26″ if Forge World produced it in 40k scale… Meaning this would be the biggest kit out there!

Especially if they used hollow parts it would be possible, we just don’t know how many people would buy because for something this size it would easily be thousands to buy the kit. So, while it would be awesome to see, we’re not sure they will ever do it at this point…

Using it as a Knight in Games of 40k

size comparison warmasterBoth of the new Warmaster titans for Titacnicus are the same size as the 40k Imperial Knight! If you wanted to throw your Warmaster on a 170mm base, you could totally use it as a count as Knight.

Especially now with the new melee weapons, you could have a full-fledged knight. If you combine the weapons from both kits you could easily play them in both games and magnetize them, you could easily swap out what you need for either game system (if you need help magnetizing your titan, check out some tips here).

How To Magnetize the Warmaster Titan Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing

Since they are the same price as a knight, nobody should really complain. then, you could at least have a mini that works in two games and save some hobby dollars that way!

Would you use one in 40k as well? Would you like to see a Forge World kit?

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