Ways to Buy Warhammer Kits While GW is Closed

soulbound space marine wal horGW may be closed and not shipping out orders right now, but there are still a few ways to buy the Warhammer kits you need to fuel your hobby!

Games Workshop already announced earlier that they wouldn’t be shipping any more products or releasing anything indefinitely.  Here in the states, retailers like Miniature Market and Dicehead Games are still shipping orders with the stock they have on hand.

By now, however, their stock may be starting to look a bit dried up. So if you’re searching for some new kits to hobby on, there are still great second-market stores on Amazon you should look at too that are still reasonably priced at 15% off retail for the most part.

40k Apocalypse Detachment Boxes 

Space Marine apocalypse detachment vlauesThere are quite a few of these Apocalypse detachment boxes on the secondary market from last summer. While these dropped a while ago, they are still a fantastic one-click buy to get started on a new army or to just fill out an entire detachment.

Warhammer Start Collecting Box Sets

40k start collectingStart Collectings box sets are a tried and true classic way of jumping into a faction. They’ve got all kinds of boxes still currently up at the time of writing this and you’ll be able to save a little bit vs. buying all of the kits individually.

Warhammer Battleforce Boxes

blood angels battleforce 2019Battleforces normally release around the holidays. These boxes have a little bit of age to them too, but they still have loads of models to work through while you wait for the social distancing thing to end.

Warhammer Codex Books

new codex supplements Space marine dice sets ultramarines white scarsWith all the new models, you’ll have to get the rules for them too. Codex books are still up for grabs, and for the most part in-stock as well.

A bunch of us (if not all) are probably itching for a game right now. But the silver lining to all this social distancing stuff is that we should all have some dope painted armies once all this passes.

Learn 3D Printing While Working From Home

So with these products still up for grabs, what will you be getting? Have you been making second passes on all your older models and pulling out extra details? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

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