GW Closing All Retail & Mail Order Operations Globally

gw-closed-for-businessGW just announced they are closing down all retail operations globally today March 24th, 2020. Don’t miss the latest on their COVID-19 shutdown.

If you subscribe to Games Workshop’s newsletters, you might’ve woken up with an email from them in your inbox. But in case this is the first time hearing anything about this, we’re covering it all for you here.

GW Closing All Retail & Mail Order Operations Globally

Space Marine kneeling wal horGames Workshop emailed their subscribers this morning with a tough, but necessary announcement. They are shutting down all sites until AT LEAST mid-April to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

Here’s the email to check out yourself:

games workchop covid19 If you might’ve placed an order not long ago, you might be getting another email saying that the product can’t make it’s way to you just yet.

For the rest of us at home, we hope you’ve got enough kits and hobby materials to help pass the time while we wait this worldwide pandemic out. The silver lining to GW shutting all of their sites down is that as of right now they’ll still be dropping news and announcements every day on Warhammer Community and Warhammer TV (YouTube/Twitch).

Remember, we’ve got part one of that big Adepticon preview this Saturday as well.

When to Watch the Reveals LATEST

Here is the latest word from GW on when the previews will hit and where.

whc twitch stream adepticonThis will be coming at you from two fronts – first on Twitch live with guests in our studio, and then soon after in a live blog right here on The live show on Twitch kicks off at 1:45 pm (UK time) on the 28th, so be sure to tune in. The live blog will start rolling at 2:00 pm.

Depending on where you are in the world be sure to read this chart for approximately what time you should tune in. If you don’t have a Twitch account or don’t want to watch the stream, they’ll also be posting a live blog of just the previews shortly after.

With GW shutting down the ability to get product to fans for a while, what will you be hobbying on? Are you going to go back over your collection and start pulling out the smaller details of your minis?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!