Weathering True Metallic on Orks Miniatures

ork_weatheringKenny from Next Level Painting is back to help nail down some weathering methods for true metallic to bring your Orks miniatures to the next level!

Kenny usually does full-scale painting tutorials, but in order to paint you also need to practice! This week he helping us by adding a new tool to our arsenal. Wethering on true metallics can be hard, but Kenny will show us how to do it just right on any of our work minis. Give it a few tries and you’ll have this skill ready to use on any of your projects.

Weathering True Metallic on Orks Miniatures

Starting off, he makes a mix of Secret Weapon Soft Body Black Wash,  Secret Weapon Rubber, and  Secret Weapon Old Mud. This mix is going to be our dirty engine grime color. Apply this to all of the edges and corners that would fill up with a bit of grime. Be a little liberal with the first layer as we will build it up.

With Secret Weapon Soft Body Black Wash go back over it, this time being a little more precise. While that dries, grab some Secret Weapon Buster Orange and mix in into those crevices and edges that are still drying with the black wash. don’t be afraid to mix in some more of the old mix too to add the light rust effect to those areas.

Next up with some Pro Acryl Rich Gold and the grime mix from before can mix together for the accents on the piping. Then wash over those sections with Secret Weapon Soft Body Black Wash

No using a smaller tip brush add some more rust with Secret Weapon Buster Orange. Mix in any red to our engine grime mix and apply it to the ends of the piping. Do this again closer to the edge mixing in purple, then again on the very edge with light blue.

And now the weathering is done!

You can support Kenny on his Patreon page, and stock up on all the great Chaos gear over on his Heretic Swag store.

About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

andrew schrank headshotJob Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.