Week 2 Kharadron Overlords Releases & Pricing REVEALED

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Today we’re getting another early look at the next week’s new releases including the more of the new Kharadron Overlords and new titles from Black Library!

The following products will all be available for pre-order 22-Apr-17 with a release date of 29-Apr-17. The only exception is the Shadow Wars: Armageddon Rulebook releasing on 6-May-17 and all prices are in USD.

Kharadron Overlords Wal Horz

Reported from multiple retailers to Spikey Bits:

Kharadron Overlords Grundstock Gunhauler $50

Kharadron Overlords Grundstok Gunhauler

Kharadron Overlords Grundstock Thunderers $40

Khardron Overlords Grundstok Thunderers


Shadow War: Armageddon Rulebook ENG $40

Shadow Wars Armageddon Rulebook


Calgar’s Fury HB $27

Calgars Fury


Scythes of the Emperor: Daedalus (Audio) $17.50

scythes of the emperor daedalus

A Scythes of the Emperor audio drama

When a lone Apothecary is stranded with vital supplies of gene-seed that could secure new generations of the Scythes of the Emperor, a squad of his battle-brothers enact a daring mission to save him and safeguard their future.

It’s a daring, dramatic tale of airborne action featuring the devastated remnants of the Scythes of the Emperor as they struggle for survival.

Waging a bitter war of vengeance against Hive Fleet Kraken across Ultima Segmentum, the Scythes of the Emperor must continue to look to the future if the Chapter is to survive. In a distant system of the Sotharan League, a lone Apothecary has become stranded before a fresh tyranid invasion – and the stock of Space Marine gene-seed he bears is too great a treasure to abandon to the xenos. Striking from the air, Assault Squad Cassander must push deep into enemy-held territory if they are to mount a recovery mission, facing all the winged spawned horrors of the hive ship Daedalus.

Written by L J Goulding

Running time approx. 63 minutes. Perfomed by John Banks, Antonia Beamish, Robin Bowerman, Cliff Chapman, Steve Conlin, Toby Longworth & Luis Soto

You can look for these new releases and more pictures in the upcoming Games Workshop First Look post later this week.

Kharadron Overlords

More on the Kharadron Overlords!