This Week’s New GW Releases & Prices CONFIRMED

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This week’s pre-orders have been spotted with pricing. Come see the new GW product releases for Age of Sigmar’s Daughters of Khaine and Black Library!

Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend.

Khinerai $45

AoS Khaine Khinerai

Melusai $50

Khaine Melusai Stalkers Khaine Melusai Sisters

Realm of Battle: Blasted Hallowheart $80

Blasted Hallowheart Box

Azyrite Ruins $30

Azyrite Ruins Box

Nagash: The Undying King (Hardback) $19

Nagash The Undying King

A Warhammer Age of Sigmar novel

In the Realm of Death, the Rictus clans face their most relentless enemy ever, and even the intervention of two of the Great Necromancer’s Mortarchs might not be enough to turn back the lumbering minions of the Plague God. Where is Nagash, the Undying King, when the people of Shyish need him most?

It’s a look at day to day life in the Realm of Death – and even there, the winds of Chaos sweep across the lands and bring ruin. And Josh Reynolds writing Nagash’s servants is never less than entertaining…

Since the dark days of the Great Awakening, the scattered remnants of humanity have clung to a bleak existence, surviving howsoever they can, no matter what the cost. Tamra, a voivode of the Rictus clans, fights one last, desperate battle for the survival of her tribe, the Drak. Now her people face their most relentless enemy ever – the lumbering minions of the Plague God. Where is their lord Nagash, the Undying King, when his people need him most? As the gods and their servants vie for power in the Mortal Realms, Tamra is drawn into a deadly game between life and death, as beings long thought gone start to exert their powers once again.

Written by Josh Reynolds

So this week releases are the two new units for the Daughters of Khaine. In addition, we’re also seeing some new terrain for Age of Sigmar and a Black Library release coming our way for all of the lore fans out there. This week is loaded with new releases

Make sure you check back in with us later this week for the description of all of these new items and links to where you can pre-order yours.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular?


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