This Week’s GW Pre-Orders & Prices Confirmed

This weeks pre-orders have been spotted! We’re seeing more of the new Death Guard releases, Age of Sigmar, and some new releases from Black Library.

Multiple retailers have confirmed the new pre-orders and prices. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up from pre-order this weekend.

Foul Blightspawn $25

Foul Blightspawn Death Guard

Blightlord Terminators $60


Typhus $40


Season of War: Firestorm $65


Anvil Guard $170

Anvil Guard

Hammerhal $170


Tempeste Eye $170

Tempeste Eye

Cadia Stands (HB) $27

Cadia Stands Cover

Black Shields: The False War (Audiobook) $17.50


This week’s pre-orders are continuing the Death Guard releases with the Typhus, the Blightlord Terminators, and the Foul Blightspawn. We’re also seeing new releases for Age of Sigmar and Black Library. Make sure you check back in with us later this week for even more pictures and descriptions of all of these new releases.

What do you think about this week’s new releases? Are you looking forward to anything in particular? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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