Welcome to 2013! Here’s What You Missed…

By Rob Baer | January 2nd, 2013 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome back!

Here’s all the fun and exciting posts you missed here at Spikey Bits over the break.

Keep your hands on the keyboard, and enjoy the ride!

Hot- Dark Angels Codex Pics!

Well here they are in all their resplendent glory. White Dwarf Pics of the new Dark Angels models. These broke over the weekend from Europe of course and well, they look good. Here’s a repost from my buddy Alec’s Blog: Apocalypse 40k:

Horus Was a Bad, Bad, Man. Pic of the Day

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a  sweet pic of something amazing that I’ve seen around the tubes, or took myself at an event! …

Pretty in Pink- Monolithic Paint Job

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a  sweet pic of something amazing that I’ve seen around the interwebz, or took myself at an event! …

eBay Fraud Alert: Stolen Army + Reward

My buddy, and fellow Wrecking Crew member Hod, recently got hit with a double whammy. Not only was his army stolen after the sale, but he lost the money for it as well though Paypal. Leaving his holidays not so cheery at all. …

Unboxing the Beast- Plastic Leviathan Titan

Checkout the box design and packaging for the new Leviathan Crusader from Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter, that looks great! 

Cause They Wouldn’t Sell Me a Tank- Pic of the Day

Welcome to Picture of the Day, where I display a  sweet pic of something amazing that I’ve seen around the interwebz, or took myself at an event! …

Real Necrons Fly Saucers? – WargamesCon 2012

Welcome to Armies on Parade, where I display (in hopefully good detail) some great looking armies from major tournaments all across the United States. …