What 40k, Demonic Tutor & Birds of Paradise have in Common

two-picture-fade warhammer 40k magic the gatheringWhat does Warhammer 40k, Birds of Paradise, and the Demonic Tutor have in common? Well, besides costing a fortune, the artists as well!

It became instant news in the gaming community when Douglas Shuler’s Demonic Tutor original artwork sold for a whopping $168,000! And not only did that sell for a serious amount, Mark Poole’s Birds of Paradise sold for a big wad of cash too, clocking in at $45,600!

This was the first time MTG artwork went on sale quite like this and it went about as well as anyone could have hoped for. Well, unless you wanted to grab your favorite art for cheap… If you’re a fan of their artwork, better get saving.

It is very interesting to see the transition from game art to actual art here. There are artists like Frank Frazetta who paint fantasy, but it was never dedicated to a game. The idea of legitimate art will only help bring more people to the game. While all that is amazing, what do these pieces of art have to do with 40k? Let’s see!

What 40k, Demonic Tutor & Birds of Paradise have in Common

Deamonic TutorIt turns out both Mark Poole and Douglas Shuler are Warhammer hobbyists as well!  Mark is also a staple in the tournament scene in the southern US, and recently started a Sylvaneth army (Rob should know Mark bought his assembled Arch-Revenant from him).  Just don’t bombard him too badly with questions if you see him 🙂

Birds of ParadiseSo just because they make art for MTG doesn’t mean they don’t throw down in the Grimdark future or Age of Sigmar. So this is a win for both factions of gamers, MTG gets more recognition and we get to keep two amazing hobbyists!

You have to admit it pretty cool to see some of the most renowned artists from the MTG community being a part of the Warhammer one as well.  It’s pretty amazing to see the artwork sell for so much and we just thought it was an interesting little tidbit how they are tied into our tabletop hobby world.

Who were you most surprised to see who is a Warhammer Hobbyists (Cavill doesn’t count at this point)? What’s your favorite MTG art?

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