Lately, we’ve seen a trend in all the previews from GW and it’s a simple one. The Tau seem to be the new punching bags of every release.
Looking at some of the latest preview artwork showcasing new releases and armies, the Tau have been getting their butts handed to them on a silver platter and it begs the question: “How did you even find yourself in this situation???” Check out what we’re talking about.
What Does GW Have Against The Tau? 40k Punching Bags
Starting off, things weren’t that bad. At least the Tau didn’t have Space Marines wading through their gun line like water. Plus, they all had their guns pointing in the right direction.
Next, there’s this old gem. The battlesuits are definitely getting totaled and the pilots inside are probably going to be a fishy blue pulp. But at least some of the Tau are actually getting shots off! The Drones in the sky are still firing.
Next, there’s a handful of Reivers walking through a gunline with aFire Warrior having his gun pushed aside like a flimsy tree branch in the way. Looking down a bit, one Tau is finally telling the others “Hey we should probably fall back now”…Even though it’s probably about 5 minutes too late for that.
Moving on, the Tau found themselves in an open field, yet again in melee combat. Except for this time, not a single Tau is managing to fire their gun. They just let the Sisters roll up on them and fold them like a wet noodle.
And finally, with one of the most recent pieces of art we’ve seen, there’s a Terminator about to pop a Fire Warrior’s coconut with a hammer. Then down at the bottom of the frame, there’s a Fire Warrior getting dragged by the scruff of his neck while a standard-bearer beats him with a pole. (That’s not even lethal. He’s just bullying him there.)
Lately, it looks like the Tau have been living up to their reputation at being bowling pins in melee. But hey, at least they’re still out promoting the Greater Good right? Hope everything works out well for them… What do you think about the Tau’s melee capabilities?
Why does GW seem to keep beating up on them (figuratively of course)?
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