What To Buy Next: 40k Kill Team Wave 3

By Tim Roberts | September 1st, 2018 | Categories: 40k Kill Team, Product Review, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

Kill Team Wave 3 Feature

Wondering what you should buy next for Warhammer 40k’s Kill Team? Come see the all the wave three releases, unboxed and reviewed!

Kill Team is growing in popularity every day and we are going to give you the low down on all the wave three releases. Check out what comes in these new Games Workshop kits so you can decide how to get the most out of your hobby dollars this week!

Death World Forest

First up we get into the new Death World Forest Expansion and this new kit is a whopping $50 savings over what you would have paid for this same set over a year ago.

With that being said, This terrain has some bad mold lines and really chunky sprue. It is definitely one of GW’s worst kits as far as ease of build and level of detail.

But, if you like a hobby challenge, the potential to make this set look amazing paint wise is real, it just may take a while to get there.

Drukari Kill Team

Up next we crack open the new Drukhari Kill Team Expansion This box has everything you to add the Dark Eldar to your Kill Team Collection. Here you get a look at all the Tactics cards for the Drukhari, so you can decide if this is the Expansion for you.

Fire and Fade looks like a great play to do some damage and duck back behind cover!

Deathwatch Kill Team

The new Deathwatch Kill Team expansion has some great looking game aides and comes with everything you need to start adding Deathwatch to your Kill Team experience.

In our Wave 3 unboxing video below we go over all the new Tactics and missions for this new Kill Team expansion.Wave 3 fin

Last but not least, we have a sit down with Robby B and he shares his thoughts on this weeks Kill Team releases. Make sure you check out our full Kill Team Wave 3 Unboxing Video below!