What We Know About GW’s New Space Marines Models & Rules!

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This is everything we know about all the new Space Marines models and rules that will be hitting the pre-orders from Games Workshop next week.

After months of rumors about new Space Marines, all eyes were looking at GW’s big preview on Saturday, Aug 3rd.  Warhammer Community revealed we’ve got even more Primaris Marines headed our way with some new-old characters, wargear, and some squads from the Shadowspear Box Set.

Plus less than 24 hours later it was revealed some of the reveals would be going on pre-order in less than a week!  Join us as we take a look at all the Space Marine rumors and previews!

New Primaris Characters


Old Tiggy


Primaris Tiggy

We thought Cato Sicarius would be the next Ultramarines character to follow-through with the Primaris conversion but it looks like ol’ Tiggy is hitting the scene with a new model (and probably new stat-line).

Primaris Reiver Lieutenant

primaris reiver

Spotted on the Primaris Lieutenant Twitter account, a new character-looking Reiver Lieutenant was unblurred. This model comes from the video we saw a while back showcasing a whole slew of blurred-out Primaris models.



primaris lieutenant

With multiple previews on this character, it looks like a Reiver Lieutenant is on the way! Now, you’ll be able to keep phobos-themed army strong with another Lieutenant model.

Kor’sarro Khan

kor'sarro khan

Finally, the first White Scars model we’ve seen in the midst of all their support rumors is Kor’sarro Khan Primarisized! We don’t know if he’ll be keeping his bike now that he crossed the Rubicon Primaris, but here’s to hoping that the Chapter built on speed will be able to keep it!

Don’t forget there is actually one more new primaris model headed our way soon as well:

Iron Hands Iron Father

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted

We think it’s safe to say the wait was worth it! This named Iron Father will be hitting shelves (and your opponents) later this year…

Rather unexpectedly, the Iron Hands got a named Primaris character coming to their faction. This took us by surprise for the fact that GW decided to show love to a very minor chapter in 40k. Makes a strong case for Iron Hands getting their own book in the latest preview.

Speaking of characters, there are some bigger models on the way too still from Bandai:

Latest Pics of Bandai Primaris Spotted

Spotted in our Facebook Hobby Group:

bandai marine 1

Note the Warhammer Chibis in the front.

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This is our closest look at the Marines to date. And while we haven’t seen any specific details on how these guys will be packaged, you can see the amount of detail and range of motion on the figures! Be sure to check out thoughts on the upcoming Bandai release where we go over pricing, packaging, and more!

New Space Marine Units

The Space Marines, the Emperor’s avenging Angels of Death, are undeniably the most iconic faction in Warhammer 40,000, their imagery as integral to the universe as the Imperial Aquila, and we’re about to enter a golden new age for the Adeptus Astartes…

Invictor Tactical Warsuit

invictor warsuit

The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is designed with sound-dampening materials, enabling it to move at great speed with minimal noise output in support of the living pilot’s Vanguard brethren. In fact, it can even set up alongside them in concealed deployment! And yes, that totally is a pistolised heavy bolter strapped to its hip!

First spotted out of a video showcasing some blurred-out models, we thought this would be a new Redemptor Dread and it looks like we were half right. The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is essentially a Redemptor Dread that was hollowed out, had a healthy dude put inside, and had a roll-cage bolted onto the front. As far as weapons go, it looks like there might be four heavy stubbers on the model.

But it doesn’t seem like the Imperium’s smartest idea to dedicate two heavy stubbers to a whole battlesuit arm. Our hope is that these are an all-new weapon that Primaris is going to take full advantage of.

Eliminator Squads

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Moving into the stuff first spotted out of Shadowspear, Eliminators are getting a kit of their own with a few new sculpts. Plus, the Las-Fusils spotted in the Apocalypse datasheet are going to be a 40k weapon option as well.

Infiltrator Squads

primaris infiltrator

In the same vein, Infiltrator squads are getting their own kit as well. These guys are making a name for themselves in 8th edition’s meta and now, the Infiltrators might be getting more sculpts (and maybe more weapon options).

Primaris Impulsor

primaris impulsor

The Imperium took a Rhino chassis and rolled it through the ol’ grav-tech factory bringing us the Impulsor. The Impulsor is running a handful of the same weapons spotted on the Invictor Warsuit. However, it’s also got some side-sponsons Bolters for some added dakka. The best part about this model is that this is the first Primaris Dedicated Transport. Keep your fingers crossed on the points cost for this puppy!

GW Announces 7 New Space Marine Codex Books!

The Space Marines are also set to receive a new codex. Not just any codex, mind, but the best codex we’ve ever made, a tome worthy of Roboute Guilliman himself! First of all, the datasheets included in the book will be available to all the First Founding Chapters and their successors, so whichever Space Marine Chapter(s) hold your allegiance, you’ll be able to use the full spectrum of units available to the Adeptus Astartes – even if you’re a Blood Angels, Space Wolves or Dark Angels player!

Looks like the question of who can take what Datasheets for Space Marines Successor chapters may not be a question anymore with this reveal!


To suggest that an Imperial Fist and a White Scar fight, in the same way, is nearly heresy – and the new codex and codex supplements really lean into the distinct identities of each Chapter to ensure they work on the tabletop the way they do in the lore. Codex: Space Marines has everything you need to play with an army of gene-enhanced super-soldiers, and each of the supplements offers you additional, Chapter-specific datasheets and thematic rules that emphasize their unique heritage and the genetic legacy of their Primarch.

So it goes without saying that the rumors about a new Ultramarines and White Scars codex book are true, so that leaves 4 more chapters to get named on those ++redacted supplement++ spines.

The usual suspects could be:

  • Raven Guard
  • Imperial Fists (mentioned above in GW’s preview)
  • Iron Hands
  • Salamanders

Remember that the Crimson Fists just got updated earlier in the year via the first Index Astartes White Dwarf Article.

New Rules Showcased For Space Marines

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One iconic feature of all Space Marines is the sheer physical brutality with which they tear into the Emperor’s foes once combat is joined. To help facilitate this on the tabletop, the universal traits of the Space Marines have been combined into a new catch-all ability called Angels of Death, which incorporates the usual suspects – And They Shall Know No Fear and Bolter Discipline – as well as this cheeky little number…

We had seen the new Angels of Death Rule showcased recently and this makes a lot more sense.  Adding plus one attacks for a base marine may prove to be pretty powerful for even a basic 5 man squad.

That’s not even all – Codex: Space Marines also has extensive rules for Successor Chapter Tactics to support the creation of your own Chapter of Space Marines. Whether you’ve always had a particular theme in mind for your Chapter that you’d like to represent on the battlefield, or simply wish to enhance your favoured play style, you can be your own Chapter Master. Simply pick two Successor Tactics from the long list of awesome choices included in the codex and you’re good to go!

So it sounds like something similar to the old school chapter tactic chart may be coming back soon for Space Marines.

New Space Marine Pre-Orders for Aug 10th

Brace yourself… this is a big one. If you saw our highlights of the exclusive Warhammer Preview that took place after yesterday’s Apocalypse mega-battle, you’ll know the Space Marines are resurgent and better than ever! In fact, the new codex, the first wave of supplements and some shiny new miniatures will be up for pre-order NEXT WEEKEND! Let’s break down what you can look forward to…

Codex: Space Marines – Indomitus Edition

new codex supplements Space marine limited edition collectors

If your love of Space Marines is absolute, make sure you get hold of the Indomitus Edition of the new codex. Not only does it have all the amazing new content of the standard hardback edition (more on that below), but it’s bound in a premium-quality, soft-touch cover and comes with gilt-edged pages and a black ribbon marker. 

A gorgeous tome that is limited to 800 copies will be up for pre-order on August 10th.

Codex: Space Marines

new codex supplements Space marine

The new codex features the most exhaustive background and bestiary for the Space Marines that we’ve ever compiled into a single book. The origins and purpose of the Primaris Marines have also been covered in intimate detail, including their creation by the genius of Belisarius Cawl and their role within the Indomitus Crusade, as well as their integration within the existing Chapters and creation of new Chapters through the Ultima Founding.

What looks to be a stealth 2.0 update from the codex release just two years ago, this tome pairs well with the 6 new codex supplements that are releasing soon.  Plus other chapter books can use the datasheets in this tome in their armies as well. So even if you play Blood Angels, Space Wolves or Dark Angels this codex may be a must-have for you as well.

Codex Supplements: Ultramarines and White Scars

new codex supplements Space marine dice sets ultramarines white scars

Speaking of other chapters…

Codex: Space Marines enables you to field armies belonging to any Chapter (or even one of your own creation). However, if you seek to take your dedication to the First Founding Chapters (and their successors) to the next level, that’s where the codex supplements come in…

The first two codex supplements in the upcoming range – which are also available to pre-order next weekend – are for the noble Ultramarines and fiercely proud White Scars. Both supplements will be available as a Collector’s Edition (with fantastic full-cover art), standard hardback and in a digital format.

These are two of the new six codex supplements coming soon, that require the main SM codex to compose a valid army list.  No word on pricing yet but hopefully GW has our backs and these are not $40 each a book for content that was previously all in one tome.

Datacards: Space Marines

new Space marine datacards


As even the lowliest Chapter serf knows, the Space Marines are equipped with the finest wargear Mankind can provide to ensure their success in battle – and you should be too! Thankfully, the Space Marine Datacards set has you covered.

This set includes 36 Tactical Objectives, 38 Stratagems, 13 psychic powers, seven Litanies of Battle and three Combat Doctrines.

There is, of course, a set for the two expansion books as well:

new Space marine datacards

 Each set features all of their Chapter’s bespoke Tactical Objectives and Stratagems, as well as the seven psychic power cards from the Indomitus discipline (Ultramarines) and Stormspeaking discipline (White Scars).

Looks like new psychic powers are on the way for both chapters as well! Wonder if they will be on par with the ones they have access to now?

Chapter Icon Dice

What release would be complete without two new dice sets?

new Space marine dice sets ultramarines white scars

Will you be able to tell what the roll is from these symbols?

New Primaris Models Too!

new Space marine primaris

The latest two members of Team Primaris are on the way next week as well!  Fresh off their weekend previews, Tiggy and Khaaaaaaan are ready to hit store shelves soon!

Plus the official release of the Primaris Lt. model from the Wake the Dead has come.

Primaris Lieutenant with Power Sword

And last but not least, a White Scars upgrade set is on the way as well:

White Scars upgrade set primaris

On the topic of new miniatures, you’ll soon be able to upgrade the Mk X Tacticus and Gravis power armour of your White Scars Primaris models and kit them out in Chapter-specific transfers with the aptly named White Scars Primaris Upgrades and Transfers set!

What are your thoughts on all the new Space Marine support on the way? Which kits will you be wanting to grab first? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!