The AdeptiCon Team Warhammer 40k team tournament is always a great time, so here’s everything you need to know about the team event!
AdeptiConjust released a preview of the events for the Convention, and there is something there for gamers of every kind! However, team tournaments might be the most fun and laid-back part of the whole thing!
This means if you want to get in on the action with a friend, now is a perfect time! The Long War will also be returning for a doubles format focused a little more on the hobby and fun side. Let’s take a closer look.
What You Need to Know About the AdeptiCon Team Tournament
Adepticon themselves answered the top 5 things you need to know about the 40k Team Tournament on their socials
AdeptiCon Event Focus: Top 5 TT Questions Answered!
Hello, this is Matt Baugh, Lead Organizer for 40K at AdeptiCon, Head Judge for the 40K Team Tournament, and 2014 Team Tournament Champion. And I am here to answer the top 5 most common questions about the Warhammer 40,000 Team Tournament.
Question 1: What is the 40K Team Tournament?
The 40K Team Tournament is the flagship and longest running event at AdeptiCon. It takes place on Saturday and Sunday of the convention. And 500 players form 125 teams of 4 and compete over 5 rounds to determine who is the best, not just at playing the game, but at the hobby as a whole.
Question 2: How is it Different Than the ATC or Las Vegas Team Tournament?
The AdeptiCon Team Tournament is different from many other team events in two ways. One, team members pair off and play in two 2v2 games against the other team. In other words, you and your buddies are playing with each other, side by side, sharing ideas, strategy and experiences, instead of playing a series of isolated 1v1 games. Two, the AdeptiCon Team Tournament is famous for its strong hobby focus and the jaw dropping works of art it inspires. Everything from your painting, your army composition, your display board, costumes and giveaways for opponents will contribute heavily to your overall success in the Team Tournament. Teams spend months or even years working on their army theme and mind-boggling displays to match. And the best are chosen for the entire convention to see in our Saturday Night Army Showcase.
Question 3: What is the Army Showcase & How Do We Qualify?
The showcase is where we invite the best hobby teams from the Warhammer 40,000 and Age of Sigmar team tournaments to share their hard work with all 5,000 convention attendees. Armies and their displays are placed in the main hallway of the convention for 4 hours on Saturday night, to much ooowing and awing. It can take teams years of working before they finally make it into the showcase, and making it represents a meaningful and deserved bit of recognition. If you would like to have your work recognized in the showcase my best advice is to make your army beautiful and your display awesome.
Question 4: What if I Can’t Get 3 Other Teammates?
The team tournament does require teams of four. If you are going to be at the convention anyway, you can always swing by Saturday morning. There are usually teams who had a single person that couldn’t make it and are looking for a 4th to play with. But, if you want to be sure you can participate, and you’re struggling getting three others, highlight to your friends there is something for literally everyone at the Team Tournament. There will be competitive games for those who want to challenge themselves on the tabletop. For hobbyists, the beauty of the armies and impressiveness of the displays is truly like nothing else. And for those who want to have a few drinks and just roll dice, the culture of the Team Tournament is perfectly suited for you too.
Question 5: How Can I Sign Up?
Registration goes live January 8th, 2023. Navigate to
and purchase your ticket there. But be sure to mark your calendar and act fast on January 8, because tickets go quickly.
Long War Doubles Returns to AdeptiCon 2023!
The doubles tourney has 123 spots available (just remember, only the team captain is required to buy a ticket), which is doubled from last year. It takes place on Friday, March 24th, so if you want in on the action, keep that January 8th date in mind! Here is a rundown of how the tournament works:
So what exactly is a Long War Doubles Tournament? Working alongside other event types, we strive to create an environment where the plethora of available events provides opportunities that appeal to ALL the different types of gamers. We believe that multiple event formats can only benefit and grow the pool of active competitive, and casual players. A rising tide lifts all boats. You’ll be bringing a 1,000-point force and team up with another person to form a 2,000-point alliance. Then, you’ll go against other teams just like yourself to see who will come out on top! – Remember that when picking what factions can be paired up with each other, anything goes, but this event is more hobby-centric and less about winning than most.
The format is super fun, and if you haven’t played in one yet, you should try it!
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